Latham & Watkins LLP > Frankfurt, Germany > Firm Profile

Latham & Watkins LLP

Germany > Antitrust Tier 1

Latham & Watkins LLP is one of the top addresses in antitrust law and impresses with industry expertise in technology and digitisation matters as well as a diverse national and international practice. The support in cartel damages compensation claims and market power abuse proceedings is among the mainstays, where the team regularly represents large players from the technology sector, such as digital platforms or telecommunications services providers, before the Federal Cartel Office, the European Commission and relevant courts. These capacities also include the expertise in current issues in connection with the § 19a GWB digitisation amendment. Michael Esser is experienced in the fintech, telecoms and e-commerce industries and focuses on digitised matters, where he is supported by Jan Christoph Höft, who is experienced in data protection law. The support in transaction-related antitrust law is another core focus and is regularly demonstrated in connection with German and international merger control; among the key contacts here are Sebastian Max Hauser and counsel Jana Dammann de Chapto, who are experienced in second-phase proceedings.


‘The team impresses with its good comprehension and a good understanding of the client’s economic interests. The teams at the various locations are very well networked and work hand in hand.’

‘Sebastian Max Hauser: Very committed and eager to represent our interests. We appreciated their willingness to familiarize themselves with our market comprehensively and quickly.’

‘Top law firm.’

‘Michael Esser and Jan Christoph Höft: outstanding lawyers with many years of experience.’

Key clients








The Carlyle Group

Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP)


Silver Lake Partners

American Airlines

Apollo Global Management

Work highlights

  • Representation of Meta Platforms, Inc. in proceedings before the Federal Cartel Office on suspicion of abuse of a dominant market position in connection with data protection and antitrust regulations.
  • Advising Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) and KKR on global merger and investment control filings in relation to a strategic partnership with Vodafone for the €16 billion acquisition of Vantage Towers, a leading telecommunications tower company in Europe.
  • Representation of Vodafone in damages compensation proceedings (including before the Federal Court of Justice) against Deutsche Telekom, which concern abusive practices in the use of cable ducts.

Banking and finance > Lending and borrowing Tier 1

Latham & Watkins LLP offers a full-service approach and regularly advises companies, private equity funds and debt funds in addition to national and international financial institutions on private equity and M&A transactions as well as refinancing and restructuring. The team also assists with bond financing, investment grade and cross-over investment grade financing as well as private debt. Alexandra Hagelüken advises on German and English law and regularly covers cross-border matters; pertaining to the latter, the team frequently cooperates with the capital markets practice on debt capital instruments. Advising infrastructure players is among the core strengths, where Sibylle Münch is experienced in the fibre optic and energy sectors and most recently advised on various platform financings as well as investments in a European telecoms tower company. Key contact Cora Grannemann is well versed in leveraged buyouts and corporate lending matters. Kim Woggon (private equity, acquisitions and corporate finance) left the firm in April 2023.

Other key lawyers:

Alexandra Hagelüken; Sibylle Münch; Christian Jahn; Thomas Weitkamp; Cora Grannemann


‘Friendly, personal, competent.’

‘Thomas Weitkamp, ​​Christian Jahn and Alexandra Hagelüken are reliable, commercial and communicate clearly.’

Key clients

3i Group

Alcentra Limited

Allgeier SE

Allianz Global Investors

Apera Asset Management

Arcmont Asset Management Limited


Banco Santander

Bank of Ireland

Bayerische Landesbank

Berenberg Bank


BNP Paribas


Capvis Equity Partners


Chequers Capital


Crescent Credit Europe

CVC Credit Partners Investment Management

Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank eG

Deutsche Bank AG

Deutsche Intensivpflege

DPE Deutsche Private Equity

DZ Bank



EQT Partners

Ergon Capital Partners

Findos Investor

FSN Capital

Goldman Sachs

Hayfin Capital Management


HIG Whitehorse

IK Investment Partners

Landesbank Baden-Württemberg

Lindsay Goldberg

Nord/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale

Oldenburgische Landesbank

One Equity Partners

Partners Group AG

Permira Debt Managers



UniCredit Bank AG


Work highlights

  • Advising Cheplapharm on a bridge-to-bond financing and issuance of a high-yield bond to finance the acquisition of worldwide marketing rights (excluding South Korea) for a drug from Eli Lilly and Company.
  • Advising GIP and KKR in connection with a strategic co-control partnership with Vodafone to invest in Vantage Towers.
  • Advising SGB Smit in connection with the modification and extension of SGB Smit’s existing loans as part of a UK restructuring plan.

Capital markets > Debt capital markets

Latham & Watkins LLP regularly applies its expertise in German and US law in high-yield bonds matters - particularly in the real estate sector; this is considered a particular strength of the team and frequently leads to instructions relating to the set-up of high-yield products. Here, the group primarily acts on the issuer side, but is also instructed by banks. Recent market conditions further contributed to an increasing number of restructuring-related instructions, while sustainable financing, including green bonds and sustainability-linked bonds, also frequently increase the workload. Dedicated to this range of topics, both Alexander Lentz and practice head Rüdiger Malaun focus on high-yield bonds, but are also adept at assisting with investment-grade bonds. Jan Penselin (high-yield, cross-over bonds, liability management transactions) made partner in January 2023.

Practice head(s):

Rüdiger Malaun

Other key lawyers:


‘Strong team right down to the details and eventualities.’

‘Very good understanding of the economic context and effects, always keeping an eye on the big picture.’

‘Alexander Lentz is a great holistic consultant with very deep detailed knowledge and an eye for connections that go beyond the legal.’

‘Rüdiger Malaun has an extremely strong network within the financial and banking sectors. He makes the difference.’

Key clients


BayWa AG



Deutsche Bank

DIC Asset AG


Löwenplay / Safari Holding Verwaltungs GmbH

Morgan Stanley


Safari Holding Verwaltungs GmbH

TUI Cruises

Work highlights

  • Advising ACCENTRO Real Estate AG, an investor in residential real estate and Germany’s leading housing privatisation company, on a comprehensive refinancing (Amend & Extend).
  • Advising the banking consortium on the placement of a secured sustainability-linked PIK Toggle high-yield bond from IHO Holding with a volume of €500 million and a term of five years.
  • Advising CHEPLAPHARM Arzneimittel GmbH on the issue of senior secured bonds under New York law (144A/Reg S) with a total nominal amount of €750 million due in May 2030.

Capital markets > Equity capital markets Tier 1

Latham & Watkins LLP covers the full range of ECM matters based on an integrated corporate finance approach that includes transactions in relation to DCM, restructuring as well as banking and finance. The group has particular expertise in advising on alternative forms of equity financing and assisting German issuers with IPOs in the US. Practice head Oliver Seiler is experienced in IPOs, block trades and capital increases. International public takeovers, carve-outs and transactions represent David Rath's mainstays. Associate Camilla Kehler-Weiß is another key contact and covers the ECM area comprehensively.

Practice head(s):

Oliver Seiler

Other key lawyers:


‘Team with great legal expertise in the ECM/capital markets business, which has built an outstanding track record of high-profile ECM deals in recent years. In addition to its legal skills, the project management skills and high level of commitment are also convincing.’

‘Oliver Seiler is an outstanding lawyer with a wealth of experience. In recent years he and his team have been involved in many high-profile transactions. He impresses not only with his high level of professional competence, but also with his pragmatic approach and his pleasant manner. He has build up David Rath as a younger partner, who had already impressed as a senior associate and now ensures that the team has sufficient resources and appropriate seniority at all times.’

‘Camilla Kehler-Weiß, who leads the overall very strong team of associates, also does excellent work.’

Key clients

Bank of America Merrill Lynch


Cheplapharm AG


Commerzbank AG

Credit Suisse

Deutsche Bank

Goldman Sachs

J.P. Morgan Chase

Morgan Stanley

Work highlights

  • Advising CHEPLAPHARM AG, a leading international platform for established branded medicines, on the agreement for a structured investment with global investment firms Atlantic Park and GIC with a total volume of €550 million.
  • Advising the banking consortium on a cash capital increase of TUI AG with subscription rights from authorized capital, which generated gross proceeds of approximately €1.8 billion.
  • Advising the banking consortium on the planned carve-out and subsequent IPO on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange of thyssenkrupp Nucera (formerly Uhde Chlorine Engineers).

Corporate and M&A > Corporate

Listed companies as well as family businesses, private equity investors and financial institutions across a broad range of industries instruct Latham & Watkins LLP's corporate team to advise on transactions, joint ventures and carve-outs, while the group also frequently cooperates with the firm's internal restructuring and financing practices. Since Nikolaos Paschos (general meetings and corporate governance) joined Paul Hastings LLP in February 2024, Heiko Gotsche (public takeovers, joint ventures and restructuring) has been leading the team on his own; other key contacts include Henning Schneider (focus on M&A and PE transactions) and Rainer Traugott, who assists with M&A transactions and advises executive and supervisory boards.

Practice head(s):

Heiko Gotsche

Other key lawyers:


‘Henning Schneider: Extreme market knowledge of all relevant market players and the transactional environment. Always appropriate and pleasant cooperation with the other side and necessary toughness when it matters.’

‘Perfect mix of top advice and hands-on implementation suggestions. Super efficient and on point.’

Key clients

Aareal Bank AG

Advent International

Apollo Global Management

BayWa AG

BioRad, Inc.

Brenntag SE



Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP)/Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. (KKR)

Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft (Münchener Rück)/MEAG MUNICH ERGO Asset Management GmbH (MEAG)

Renk AG


TeamViewer AG

Worth Capital Holdings

Industry focus > Healthcare and life sciences

Latham & Watkins LLP‘s focus in the healthcare and life sciences sector is on transaction support, where the team is regularly instructed by financial investors and industrial companies. A key strength is the support in US-related transactions, thanks to the close cooperation with the respective locations . The team is led by transaction experts Henning Schneider and Christoph Engeler; the latter also advises on regulatory issues. Associate Henrietta Ditzen is another key contact and assists with transactions and regulatory issues, thereby underlining the overall approach.

Practice head(s):

Henning Schneider; Christoph Engeler

Other key lawyers:

Henrietta Ditzen; Deniz Tschammler

Work highlights

Information technology > Data protection Tier 1

Latham & Watkins LLP's data protection practice is among the top German players for data privacy litigation, which the team routinely demonstrates in major disputes as well as fines and civil proceedings, including GDPR fines, before the ECJ. Tim Wybitul is a key contact here, he is among Germany's leading data protection experts. Further focus areas include the advice on transactions, financing and IPOs as well as the support to companies in connection with possible data breaches and subsequent official proceedings. The practice routinely cooperates with locations in the US, the United Kingdom, France, Hong Kong, Singapore and Korea, thereby covering cross-border matters. This expertise is a strength of Ulrich Wuermeling, who advises on European, English and German data protection law.

Practice head(s):

Key clients

Deutsche Wohnen SE

Volkswagen AG

Mastercard Europe SA


Advent International Corporation

Partners Group


Work highlights

  • Defense of Deutsche Wohnen SE before the ECJ in connection with the highest GDPR fine to date in Germany and relevant legal issues, in particular the liability of companies for data protection fines.
  • Successful defense of Volkswagen AG in data protection investigations regarding the use of camera systems during test driving with a significant fine reduction to €1.1 million.
  • Representation of SCHUFA Holding AG in data protection proceedings in all instances, including the European Court of Justice.

Private equity > Transactions

Latham & Watkins LLP assists clients with mid- and large-cap transactions, where the team regularly draws on the international network in cross-border transactions. Here, practice head Burc Hesse focuses on cross-border leveraged buy-out transactions. Other key contacts are Oliver Felsenstein, who comprehensively advises private equity companies on the entire investment value chain, and Rainer Traugott, who acts at the corporate law interface. The team’s industry expertise was strengthened with the additions of Alexander Rieger (infrastructure) from Hogan Lovells International LLP in May 2023 and Carsten Loll (real estate) from Linklaters in October 2022; both joined with a team of associates. Transaction expert Stephan Hufnagel made partner in January 2023, while M&A expert Stefan Widder joined Gleiss Lutz in September 2023.

Practice head(s):

Burc Hesse

Other key lawyers:

Oliver Felsenstein; Rainer Traugott; Alexander Rieger; Carsten Loll; Stephan Hufnagel; Sebastian Pauls; Susanne Decker; Maximilian Platzer


‘Wide range of experience and expertise; Strong ability to process cross-border transactions. ‘

‘Extremely competent, reliable and always able to bring in very competent colleagues from other countries.’

‘Burc Hesse is an extremely experienced and commercially minded lawyer who thinks and acts in the interests of his clients.’

‘Strong PE practice; very high quality standard. Always commercial, practical and solution-oriented advice.’

‘Rainer Traugott, Oliver Felsenstein, Stephan Hufnagel are all prime examples of an excellent consultant.’

Key clients

Activant Capital




Bregal Unternehmerkapital

CVC Capital Partners (CVC)


DPE Deutsche Private Equity

EMZ Partners

Global Infrastructure Partners / KKR



IK Partners

L Catterton

Oakley Capital


PAI Partners

Partners Group

Perusa Partners

TA Associates

Work highlights

  • Advising Advent International on the establishment of a global joint venture for technical high-performance polymers with the specialty chemicals group LANXESS.
  • Advised Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) & KKR in connection with a strategic partnership with Vodafone to invest in Vantage Towers, a telecommunications tower company in Europe.
  • Advising Apollo Global Management on a €1 billion structured/preferred equity investment in a portfolio of high-quality residential properties held by Vonovia and valued at €3.3 billion.

Restructuring and insolvency > Restructuring Tier 1

Latham & Watkins LLP ‘s restructuring team offers longstanding expertise in financial and operational restructuring, including cross-border matters, and has experience in insolvencies and distressed M&A; Jörn Kowalewski frequently advises distressed investors, lenders, lender groups and steering committees as well as debtors, shareholders and governing bodies. In addition to financial and operational restructuring, practice head Frank Grell also assists with insolvency-related litigation and refinancing, while Ulrich Klockenbrink primarily supports large restructurings, distressed M&A and takeovers as well as in and out-of-court enforcements. Counsel Hendrik Hauke ​​regularly advises on takeovers of distressed companies.

Practice head(s):

Frank Grell


‘Ulrich Klockenbrink is an absolute expert in the area of ​​restructuring and brings in good strategic perspectives, while still remaining approachable.’

‘Jörn Kowalewski: Great strategist with incredible communication and moderating skills.’

‘Jörn Kowalewski and Frank Grell are very competent and provide quick and good support.’

‘Great professional breadth including related topics outside of restructuring.’

‘Very good service, quick advice and help. Pragmatic and empathetic.’

‘Frank Grell delivers particularly pragmatic solutions with a great deal of sensitivity for interpersonal relationships; Perfect for quick and quiet reorganisations.’

‘Frank Grell and Jörn Kowalewski, both are currently among the outstanding restructuring professionals with broad market responsibility and are present at all levels (debtor, creditors, customers, investors, etc.)’

‘The team has been at the top of the market for years, especially in the automotive sector. Always up-to-date and creative.’

Key clients


All 4 Golf

Insolvenzverwalter Air Berlin


Bundesverband deutscher Banken e.V. (BdB)

Centerbridge Partners



Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst



Löwen Play / Safari Holding Verwaltungs GmbH


Postbank AG

SGB Smit

Schur Flexibles

Scholz Holding

Work highlights

  • Advising the listed ACCENTRO Real Estate AG on the comprehensive refinancing of two bonds in accordance with the German Debt Securities Act with a total volume of over €350 million.
  • Advising the Steering Committee of the lenders of the Benteler Group, consisting of Commerzbank AG, DZ BANK AG, Erste Group Bank AG, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg and Norddeutsche Landesbank, on the now completed full €2 billion refinancing, which is part of a fundamental restructuring of the Benteler Group.
  • Advice on the restructuring of Leoni AG, in particular on the restructuring of its financing on the basis of several financing instruments such as a syndicated loan, bilateral loans, promissory notes, factoring and sale-and-lease-back with a volume of over €2 billion, most recently in connection with the first major StaRUG process in the German market, which includes an overall solution for all financing lines and a restructuring of the shareholder side.

Banking and finance > Financial services: regulatory Tier 2

Latham & Watkins LLP is well known for its regulatory expertise in M&A and private equity transactions. The team also offers assistance with regulatory audits and enforcement procedures of the ECB and BaFin as well as preventative compliance issues and reporting obligations, licensing requirements for German business activities, including cryptocurrency-related matters, and the implementation of ESG strategies. The practice is led by Markus Krüger (transactions and regulatory advice) and Axel Schiemann, who recently assisted with a cross-border investigation pertaining to AML compliance and advised a global crypto platform operator on licensing matters pertaining to crypto trading and deposits.

Practice head(s):

Markus Krüger; Axel Schiemann


‘High level of specialist knowledge and reliability.’

‘Markus Krüger and Axel Schiemann have many years of experience and expertise.’

‘Very strong on technical regulatory issues. Comprehensive knowledge and experience in questions relating to financial services and in cooperation with BaFin and the ECB.’

‘Markus Krüger is an extremely mindful lawyer who offers first-class advice, always with the ultimate economic goal in mind. He has been invaluable to us as he has helped us navigate many different regulatory processes at both BaFin and the ECB.’

‘Markus Krüger is an excellent lawyer, extremely experienced and client-focused.’

‘Axel Schiemann is an accomplished regulatory law expert and has an impressing depth and breadth of experience.’

Key clients

Aareal Bank AG

Apollo Global Management, LLC

Bankhaus Lampe

Bundesverband deutscher Banken e.V. – Einlagensicherungsfonds

dwins GmbH


eToro Group Limited


Hg Capital

IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG

La Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) / General Atlantic


Simon Property Group

Work highlights

  • Advising the Federal Association of German Banks and the Deposit Protection Fund (ESF) with regard to compensation for depositors of Greensill Bank GmbH.
  • Advising the Supervisory Board of Aareal Bank on the planned investment agreement with Atlantic BidCo GmbH.
  • Advising the German subsidiary of Evercore on all regulatory and compliance issues, in particular on the start of cross-border European business (passporting).

Banking and finance > Fintech Tier 2

Latham & Watkins LLP ‘s multidisciplinary team comprehensively advises financial institutions, investors, fintech companies and technology companies on transactions, investments in fintech companies and regulatory issues; the latter also pertains to licensing procedures regarding new business models, including crypto asset-related services. The team frequently cooperates across locations on fintech-based business models, which is complemented by expertise in enforcement procedures and litigation. The practice is led by Axel Schiemann, who covers crypto asset-related issues as well as banking and regulatory issues in connection with fintech innovations, and Markus Krüger, who is well versed in transactions and regulatory matters.

Practice head(s):

Markus Krüger; Axel Schiemann


‘Very strong on technical regulatory issues. Comprehensive knowledge and experience in financial services issues and cooperation with BaFin and the ECB.’

‘Markus Krüger is an extremely thoughtful lawyer who offers first-class advice, always with the ultimate economic goal in mind.’

‘The fintech team at Latham & Watkins has an excellent track record in Germany and can utilize the entire range of banking and regulatory practice. Particularly noteworthy is the outstanding international networking.’

‘Markus Krüger is an excellent lawyer, extremely experienced and client-focused. Axel Schiemann has unique in-depth experience.’

Key clients


eToro Group

Hedosophia Group

Toscafund Asset Management


Work highlights

  • Advising Yapili on the acquisition of finAPI.
  • Advising a fintech company and an international asset manager in connection with the issuance of listed asset-backed securities qualified as social bonds, through which a portfolio of German consumer loans was securitized.

Corporate and M&A > M&A

Latham & Watkins LLP advises major German corporations from the technology, energy and infrastructure, life sciences and healthcare sectors on transatlantic transactions and is particularly experienced in public M&A, P2P deals, carve-outs as well as distressed M&A and restructuring. Since Nikolaos Paschos (general meetings and corporate governance) joined Paul Hastings LLP in February 2024, Heiko Gotsche (joint ventures, reorganisations and carve-outs) has been the sole practice head. He is supported, among others, by Tobias Larisch, who regularly assists with transactions in the energy and infrastructure sector, and Rainer Traugott, who advises international companies, private equity houses and infrastructure investors on complex transactions. M&A and private equity transaction specialist Stephan Hufnagel made partner in January 2023 and Carsten Loll, who focuses on real estate and private equity transactions, joined from Linklaters in October 2022, as did Alexander Stefan Rieger, who specialises in M&A transactions in the energy and infrastructure sectors and came from Hogan Lovells International LLP in May 2023. In September 2023, Stefan Widder (cross-border transactions) joined Gleiss Lutz.

Practice head(s):

Heiko Gotsche

Other key lawyers:


‘High energy level. Deep expertise. Outstanding implementation speed. Plus it’s highly precise.’

‘Broad and deep coverage of relevant subject areas on a global basis! Full commitment; commercial and pragmatic view.’

‘Henning Schneider: Very experienced, combines legal excellence with commercial flair in transactions, maintains focus, technically excellent, broad wealth of experience, very results-driven approach to win deals!’

‘Ingo Strauss: Strategic mind combined with clear, creative and entrepreneurial thinking. Also craftsmanship excellence. Strong transaction partner.’

Key clients

Advent International

Antin Infrastructure Partners

Aareal Bank AG

Apollo Global Management



Digital Realty

DB Schenker

Deutsche Bank AG/Orchard Global Asset Management LLP

Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP)/Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. (KKR)

IKB Deutsche Industriekreditbank AG

Körber Supply Chain Software Management GmbH

Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft (Münchener Rück)/MEAG MUNICH ERGO AssetManagement GmbH (MEAG)

Siemens Smart Infrastructure

Swiss Life Asset Management AG and Vauban Infrastructure Partners

Worth Capital Holdings

Dispute resolution > Arbitration (including international arbitration) Tier 2

In addition to international arbitration proceedings, which often involve global shareholder disputes, Latham & Watkins LLP routinely acts for PE houses and their portfolio companies in commercial and investment arbitration proceedings as well as in post-M&A disputes; practice head Christoph Baus is one of the key contacts for commercial disputes, while Alena McCorkle and Anne Löhner are particularly experienced in complex economic and post-M&A disputes. Sebastian Seelmann-Eggebert left the firm in April 2023 and now is an of counsel at HANEFELD.

Practice head(s):

Christoph Baus

Other key lawyers:


‘A team mixed with male and female colleagues who impress through exceptional commitment and high levels of commitment.’

‘Anne Löhner and Alena McCorkle: Outstanding lawyers. Both impress equally with their quality, effectiveness, know-how and ability to always strike the right tone in negotiations.’

‘We have had the pleasure of working with Anne Löhner and her team twice in the last six months. On both occasions the team proved to be as reliable as a Swiss watch: both in terms of the quality of results and in meeting deadlines.’

‘Anne Löhner: It was a pleasure and a privilege to work with her. She deserves praise not only for her keen analytical mind, but also for the grace with which she deals with tribunals and opposing counsel is simply extraordinary.’

‘Anne Löhner: Extremely astute, absolutely to the point and an excellent choice for post-M&A proceedings.’

Key clients

ZF Automotive U.S., Inc.

Republik Kroatien

Work highlights

  • Succesful representation of ZF Automotive US, Inc, a subsidiary of ZF Friedrichshafen AG, before the US Supreme Court regarding the admissibility of discovery for private arbitration proceedings abroad.
  • Successfully represented Croatia in an ICSID arbitration brought by Elitech BV and Razvoj Golf DOO under the bilateral investment agreement between Croatia and the Netherlands.
  • Represented Lindsay Goldberg in various cross-jurisdictional proceedings relating to Schur Flexibles.

Dispute resolution > Commercial litigation Tier 2

Latham & Watkins LLP's in-depth dispute resolution experience spans complex commercial disputes, mass litigation and data protection conflicts as well as insolvency and antitrust damages proceedings and contentious post-M&A issues - an area in which Alena McCorkle is particularly well versed - and is reflected in numerous instructions from high-profile international companies from the technology, financial services and automotive sectors. Practice head Christoph Baus is experienced in commercial litigation, while counsel Stefan Patzer's expertise covers litigation as well as of ​​out-of-court dispute resolution; Anne Löhner excels in complex, often cross-border commercial disputes, mass proceedings as well as post-M&A and shareholder disputes.

Practice head(s):

Christoph Baus


‘Latham certainly dominates with depth and versatility. The team is top-class across all positions. We see Latham as a pioneer, especially in the area of ​​technology, and therefore as particular strong in ​​mass proceedings.’

‘Christoph Baus: Great strategist. Asks the right questions.’

‘Anne Löhner: Very thorough and solution-oriented.’

‘Alena McCorkle: Great fighting spirit.’

‘Very good training for (younger) associates, both technically and in soft skills. Very good thematic structure and close integration of the litigation department with the corporate, finance and restructuring departments. Real and functioning cross-office collaboration.’

‘Christoph Baus: Technically excellent, very clever and very good in the courtroom.’

‘Alena McCorkle: Excellent professional skills, high level of commitment, very clever head.’

‘Well-coordinated Hamburg team with strong, experienced leadership.’

Key clients

Credit Suisse

Mastercard Europe SA

Mercedes-Benz Group AG

Scottish Widows


Work highlights

  • Advising Credit Suisse on the so-called Suisse Secrets allegations and several securities claims following the insolvency of Greensill Bank.
  • Represented Mastercard in a variety of individual proceedings following a third-party cyber incident.
  • Victory for ZF Automotive US, Inc, a subsidiary of ZF Friedrichshafen AG, before the US Supreme Court on the question of the admissibility of discovery for private arbitration proceedings abroad.

Information technology > IT transactions and outsourcing Tier 2

Latham & Watkins LLP routinely supports IT transactions, including carve-outs and the sale of software platforms thanks to the cooperation with the M&A experts. The practice also regularly assists with outsourcing projects in the financial sector, including related regulatory matters. Interfacing data protection issues are handled by Wolf-Tassilo Böhm and Joachim Grittmann. Susan Kempe-Müller's and Thies Deike's expertise in contract drafting and IP matters is frequently requested in a transactional context with a focus on software and data.

Other key lawyers:

Key clients


Partners Group

EG Group

Keysight Techologies


Chemondis GmbH

Work highlights

  • Advising Hg on the sale of Transporeon, a leading cloud-based transportation management software platform, to Trimble.
  • Advising Partners Group on the acquisition of a majority stake in Cloudflight, a leading full-service provider for industrial digital transformation in Europe, from Deutsche Beteiligungs AG.
  • Advising the EG Group on the IT carve-out as part of the acquisition of the OMV petrol station business in Germany.

Industry focus > Energy Tier 3

Latham & Watkins LLP's transaction-related expertise is mirrored in the practice management, where Tobias Larisch routinely advises investors and project developers as well as energy and industrial companies on national and cross-border transactions in the gas, oil, nuclear power, hydrogen and renewable energy sectors as well as battery storage. This focus was further strengthened in May 2023 with the addition of M&A expert Alexander Stefan Rieger from Hogan Lovells International LLP. Related regulatory and conflict-related issues are handled across practices.

Practice head(s):

Tobias Larisch

Other key lawyers:

Rainer Traugott; Alexander Stefan Rieger; Henning Schneider


‘Tobias Larisch’s team knows how to utilise its extensive experience in countless M&A transactions and corporate law in the energy environment.’

Key clients

Antin Infrastructure Partners

Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) & KKR


Worth Capital Holdings LLC




DB Schenker

Swiss Life Asset Management AG / Vauban Infrastructure Partners

Digital Realty Trust, Inc.

Work highlights

Germany > Tax Tier 3

Compliance Tier 4

Latham & Watkins LLP's compliance team closely cooperates with its transaction practice and is experienced in transaction-related compliance due diligence, as well as supporting DAX and MDAX companies in matters pertaining to whistleblower systems, corporate governance and supply chain management. Thomas Grützner (white-collar criminal law and investigations), Tim Wybitul (data protection and administrative procedures) and Tobias Larisch (corporate law and corporate governance) jointly head the practice. Wolf-Tassilo Böhm (data protection) was appointed to counsel in January 2023.

Practice head(s):

Thomas Grützner; Tobias Larisch; Tim Wybitul

Other key lawyers:

Wolf-Tassilo Böhm; Stefan Bartz

Key clients


Compliance > Internal investigations Tier 4

Latham & Watkins LLP routinely advises on due diligence matters in the transaction sphere and is also instructed by German and international companies on internal investigations pertaining to antitrust law, sanctions and embargoes, banking supervisory and employment law as well as data protection, this also includes cross-border investigations. Thomas Grützner (human rights and misconduct investigations), Tobias Larisch (corporate law and corporate governance) and Tim Wybitul (data protection and whistleblower systems) jointly head the practice. Wolf-Tassilo Böhm, who was appointed to counsel in January 2023, advises on data protection and cybersecurity.

Practice head(s):

Thomas Grützner; Tobias Larisch; Tim Wybitul

Other key lawyers:

Key clients


Work highlights

  • Advising Strabag on an extensive ongoing investigation in connection with the procurement process for public tenders in Austria.

Real estate and construction > Real estate Tier 4

Latham & Watkins LLP is traditionally strong in transaction support, which is also evident in the real estate segment, where the team routinely supports large-scale transactions as well as related financing matters; this was recently demonstrated in advising Apollo on a €1 billion investment in a Vonovia portfolio. This approach was further strengthened in October 2022 with the arrival of real estate transaction expert Carsten Loll from Linklaters. He advises on asset and share deals as well as portfolio transactions covering all asset classes; he jointly heads the team with Otto von Gruben, who also focuses on transaction support.

Practice head(s):

Carsten Loll; Otto von Gruben

Other key lawyers:

Sven Nickel; Torsten Volkholz


‘Well connected, very pragmatic and solution-oriented with high legal quality.’

‘Latham & Watkins is characterized by the fact that the team is very dynamic and technically very adept. It is staffed and networked internally (nationally and internationally) in such a way that any issues that arise as part of a transaction are resolved quickly and satisfactorily. Communication is clear and quick. The collaboration is always on an equal footing, is reliable and very pleasant.’

‘As an individual, Sven Nickel deserves special mention – working with him is very pleasant for us as a client. He manages the transaction very reliably and is always deal-oriented. Thanks to his very good communication skills and his calm charisma, he is able to bring even difficult negotiations to a satisfactory result. All parties involved in the transaction benefit from this, creating a constructive and pleasant atmosphere.’

‘In a market characterized by competition and complexity, Latham & Watkins LLP stands out for its exceptional practice. Their deep understanding of real estate law and ability to find creative solutions to complex challenges have made them our preferred partner. Compared to other law firms, Latham & Watkins LLP stands out due to its agility, quick response times and proactive approach.’

‘Overall, Latham & Watkins LLP deserves the highest praise for their exceptional team strengths, core capabilities and innovation.’

‘Carsten Loll has worked very closely and trustingly with our company for many years. In addition to buying and selling real estate, he also advises on tenancy agreement matters. The outstandingly high level of competence is particularly evident in the ability to present highly complex issues in a legally correct manner and as clearly and simply as possible. This is also underlined by the outstanding competence of the associates. Overall, we are still completely convinced by Carsten Loll and the team behind him.’

Key clients

Aermont Capital LLP


Advent International

AFIAA Germany AG

Angelo, Gordon

Antin Infrastructure Partners


Aventos Sigma Objektgesellschaft mbH

Catella Real Estate

Digital Realty

EG Group

Gesellschafter der HIT Holzindustrie Torgau




Madison International Realty

Public Investment Fond (PIF)

redos institutional GmbH

Union Investment Real Estate GmbH

Work highlights

  • Advising Apollo on a €1 billion investment in a residential property portfolio held by Vonovia and valued at €3.3 billion.
  • Advising VKB (Bayerischer Versicherungsverband Versicherungsaktiengesellschaft) on the purchase of Calwer Passage in Stuttgart from Ferdinand Piech Holding GmbH.
  • Advising the Swiss AFIAA Anlagestiftung on the sale of the Westfalen-Center Dortmund as part of an asset deal.

Information technology > Information technology and digitalisation Tier 5

Latham & Watkins LLP's IT competencies include the support in transactions and outsourcing projects as well as regulatory and data protection issues. In the latter area, a recent focus was on litigation, where Tim Wybitul's team assisted with numerous GDPR fine proceedings before the authorities and the ECJ.

Practice head(s):

Other key lawyers:

Work highlights

Germany > Employment Tier 6

Latham & Watkins LLP's employment practice has restructuring measures, including insolvency-related restructuring, at its heart, which is not least due to the close cooperation with its M&A and private equity teams. In addition to cross-practice cooperation, its employment advice is often characterised by cross-location and cross-border support. Practice head Tobias Leder usually leads on these matter, and also represents companies in litigation before employment and civil courts. The industry focus lies on healthcare and life sciences.

Practice head(s):


‘Friendly, extremely competent and responsive team, which enables a very pleasant collaboration.’

‘Tobias Leder is a highly accomplished and extremely pleasant representative of his métier.’

Key clients

Novartis und Sandoz

TeamViewer AG

Salutas Pharma GmbH

Airbus Defence and Space GmbH

Star Alliance

Swiss Re Europe S.A., Niederlassung Deutschland

The firm: High-end performance. Down-to-earth attitude.

Top-tier legal qualifications and professional expertise are a matter of course for Latham & Watkins – but its mission goes far beyond this. The firm places just as much value on authenticity, a down-to-earth approach and empathy. This is because it is convinced that the best solutions come from the combination of legal professionalism and social expertise.

The firm collaborates seamlessly across practice groups, nationally and internationally, and has the best experts on board. Clients value the firm’s ability to integrate into teams quickly and unpretentiously. This creates efficiency by putting the team in a position to do the right thing at the right time.

Those who pursue transparency from the beginning can act faster and more precisely. Latham & Watkins places a great deal of importance on open and sincere communication. This allows it to anticipate business opportunities, increase clients’ room to manoeuvre and achieve enduring solutions.

Providing the highest quality performance is its everyday business. The firm’s ability to go beyond sets it apart.

Latham & Watkins is the biggest law firm in the world (by revenue). It is one of the leading commercial law firms, both in Germany and worldwide.

Founded in Los Angeles in 1934, the firm now employs over 2,200 lawyers in 14 countries and 55 languages. In Germany, it has offices in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich, with approximately 170 lawyers.

Clients include international corporations, private equity firms, investors, banks, insurance companies and other financial service providers.

Areas of practice
Mergers and acquisitions: today’s transactions take place in highly dynamic globalised markets. Latham & Watkins combines professional excellence with agility and pragmatic action. Lawyers integrate into teams quickly and unpretentiously, and create economically sustainable solutions.

Corporate: clients are in good company – the corporate team partners with businesses to provide pragmatic support with a broad perspective on all corporate legal questions.

Private equity: complex transactions in the large and mid-cap segments require global clout and the ability to see the big picture. The firm combines speed, high competency and a team of outstanding personalities to develop sustainable solutions for clients.

Banking and finance: the firm attends to financing not only with an instinct for new trends and deep industry knowledge on both sides of the Atlantic, but also with efficiency and pragmatism.

Dispute resolution: in addition to professional expertise, strong personalities combining empathy and assertiveness are of critical importance to the firm when helping clients settle their disputes.

Restructuring and insolvency: crises are tests in which empathy, attitude and experience are equally critical for the achievement of quantifiable results. The firm believes that in restructurings, the thorough consideration of all factors is the main indicator of true success.

For more information about the firm’s practice areas and industry groups please go to

Department Name Email Telephone
Antitrust, competition and state aid
Banking and finance
Capital markets (including high-yield)
Compliance and white-collar
Corporate and M&A
Dispute resolution
Employment and benefits
Financial regulation
Intellectual property
International arbitration
Private equity
Real estate
Restructuring and insolvency
Photo Name Position Profile
Rainer Adlhart photo Rainer Adlhart Rainer Adlhart is a member of the corporate finance team, advising private…
Stefan Bartz photo Stefan Bartz Dr. Stefan Bartz is a counsel in Latham & Watkins’ Frankfurt and…
Christoph A Baus photo Christoph A Baus Dr. Christoph Baus, a complex commercial trial lawyer, served as Global Vice…
Frank Bierwirth photo Frank Bierwirth Frank Bierwirth is a counsel in the Frankfurt office of Latham &…
Wolf-Tassilo Böhm photo Wolf-Tassilo Böhm Dr. Wolf-Tassilo Böhm advises market-leading companies and private equity funds on EU…
Susanne Decker photo Susanne Decker Susanne Decker advises international private equity firms and their portfolio companies on…
Florian Dehmel photo Florian Dehmel Dr. Florian Dehmel is a counsel in the Executive Compensation, Employment &…
Thies Deike photo Thies Deike Thies Deike is a counsel in the firm’s Corporate Department. His practice…
Christoph W.G. Engeler photo Mr Christoph W.G. Engeler Christoph Engeler advises a full spectrum of healthcare and life sciences clients…
Michael Esser photo Michael Esser Widely recognized as one of Germany’s leading antitrust lawyers, Dr. Michael Esser…
Oliver Felsenstein photo Oliver Felsenstein Oliver Felsenstein, Global Chair of the Private Equity & Investment Funds Practice…
Mathias Fischer photo Mathias Fischer Mathias Fischer is counsel in the Frankfurt office and a member of…
Heiko Gotsche photo Heiko Gotsche Dr. Heiko Gotsche, partner in the Düsseldorf office of Latham & Watkins,…
Cora Grannemann photo Cora Grannemann Cora Grannemann, a counsel in the Finance Department of Latham & Watkins’ Frankfurt…
Frank Grell photo Frank Grell Frank Grell helps clients navigate distressed situations related to restructuring or insolvency.…
Joachim Grittmann photo Joachim Grittmann Joachim Grittmann is counsel in the Frankfurt office and practices in the…
Thomas Grützner photo Thomas Grützner Dr. Thomas Grützner, a compliance and litigation partner, represents corporate and financial…
Alexandra E. Hagelüken photo Alexandra E. Hagelüken Alexandra Hagelüken advises creditors and borrowers on complex national and cross-border financings,…
Sebastian Max Hauser photo Sebastian Max Hauser Max Hauser advises German and international clients on a broad spectrum of…
Burc Hesse photo Burc Hesse Burc Hesse is Office Managing Partner of Latham & Watkins in Germany.…
Jan Christoph Höft photo Jan Christoph Höft Dr. Jan Christoph Höft is a partner in the Düsseldorf office of…
Christian H Jahn photo Christian H Jahn Dr. Christian Jahn advises companies, private equity funds, debt funds, and banks…
Camilla Kehler-Weiß photo Camilla Kehler-Weiß Dr. Camilla Kehler-Weiss advises issuers and investment banks on initial public offerings…
Susan Kempe-Müller photo Susan Kempe-Müller Dr. Susan Kempe-Müller, partner in the Frankfurt office of Latham & Watkins,…
Ulf  Kieker photo Ulf Kieker Dr. Ulf Kieker is a partner in the Munich office of Latham &…
Tobias Klass photo Tobias Klass Dr. Tobias Klass advises private equity funds, large and medium-sized companies and…
Ulrich Klockenbrink photo Ulrich Klockenbrink Dr. Ulrich Klockenbrink is a partner in Latham’s German Finance Department and…
Dirk Kocher photo Dirk Kocher Dr. Dirk Kocher advises corporations, private equity firms, and strategic investors on…
Jörn Kowalewski photo Jörn Kowalewski Dr. Jörn Kowalewski has long-standing experience advising stakeholders within complex corporate restructurings,…
Markus Krüger photo Markus Krüger Dr. Markus Krüger is a partner in the Corporate Department of the Frankfurt…
Tobias Leder photo Tobias Leder Dr. Tobias Leder is a partner in the Executive Compensation, Employment &…
Alexander Lentz photo Alexander Lentz Dr. Alexander Lentz is a member of the corporate finance team focusing…
Anne Löhner photo Anne Löhner Dr. Löhner represents clients in complex commercial disputes before German courts and…
Carsten Loll photo Carsten Loll Dr. Carsten Loll, one of the leading German real estate lawyers, advises…
Andreas Lönner photo Andreas Lönner Dr. Andreas Lönner is a counsel in the Hamburg office and practices…
Rüdiger Malaun photo Rüdiger Malaun Dr. Rüdiger Malaun, a highly regarded German capital markets lawyer and former…
Christina  Mann photo Christina Mann Christina Mann represents clients in complex cross-border transactions, particularly involving carve-outs and…
Alena McCorkle photo Alena McCorkle Dr. Alena McCorkle represents German and international clients from a wide range…
Sibylle Münch photo Sibylle Münch Sibylle Münch, a finance partner, advises German and international financial institutions, private…
Sven Nickel photo Sven Nickel Sven Nickel is counsel in the Frankfurt office of Latham & Watkins…
Stefan Patzer photo Stefan Patzer Stefan Patzer is a complex commercial trial lawyer who represents German and…
Sebastian  Pauls photo Sebastian Pauls Dr. Sebastian Pauls advises private equity clients on the full lifecycle of…
Jan  Penselin photo Jan Penselin Jan Penselin advises clients on the full spectrum of debt financings, particularly…
Maximilian Platzer photo Maximilian Platzer Dr. Maximilian Platzer is a partner in Latham & Watkins’ Frankfurt office…
David Rath photo David Rath David Rath advises corporate clients and investment banks on a broad range…
Alexander Stefan Rieger photo Alexander Stefan Rieger Dr. Alexander Stefan Rieger is widely recognized for advising clients on complex…
Axel Schiemann photo Axel Schiemann Axel Schiemann is a financial regulatory partner who advises German and global…
Henning C. Schneider photo Henning C. Schneider Dr. Henning C. Schneider draws on 25 years of experience to help…
Leif U Schrader photo Leif U Schrader Leif Schrader advises private equity funds and other financial investors on domestic…
Lucas Schweitzer photo Lucas Schweitzer Dr. Lucas Schweitzer is a counsel in the Corporate Department of Latham…
Verena Seevers photo Verena Seevers Verena Seevers advises clients on the German and international tax aspects of…
Oliver Seiler photo Oliver Seiler Dr. Oliver Seiler, a leading German equity capital markets lawyer, advises issuers…
Daniel Splittgerber photo Daniel Splittgerber Dr. Daniel Splittgerber represents clients in complex financial restructurings and distressed situations,…
Ingo Strauss photo Ingo Strauss Dr. Ingo Strauss, partner in the Düsseldorf office of Latham & Watkins,…
Rainer Traugott photo Rainer Traugott Dr. Rainer Traugott advises German and international companies, private equity firms, and…
Deniz Tschammler photo Deniz Tschammler Dr. Deniz Tschammler, a leading lawyer within the European healthcare market, advises…
Thomas Vogel photo Thomas Vogel Thomas Vogel is a partner in the Paris and Frankfurt offices of…
Torsten Volkholz photo Torsten Volkholz Dr. Torsten Volkholz advises German and global sponsors, borrowers, and lenders on…
Otto Von Gruben photo Otto Von Gruben Otto von Gruben advises German and international clients on complex M&A and…
Gregory Walker photo Gregory Walker Gregory Walker is a member of the corporate finance team with a…
Thomas Weitkamp photo Thomas Weitkamp Thomas Weitkamp, a leading German finance lawyer, advises clients on complex domestic…
Tim Wybitul photo Tim Wybitul Tim Wybitul, a leading data privacy lawyer, advises German and global companies…
Jana Dammann de Chapto photo Jana Dammann de Chapto Dr. Jana Dammann de Chapto advises international clients on merger control and…
Number of lawyers : 2,600+
Other offices : Barcelona
Other offices : Beijing
Other offices : Boston
Other offices : Brussels
Other offices : Century City
Other offices : Chicago
Other offices : Dubai
Other offices : Düsseldorf
Other offices : Hamburg
Other offices : Hong Kong
Other offices : Houston
Other offices : London
Other offices : Los Angeles
Other offices : Madrid
Other offices : Milan
Other offices : Moscow
Other offices : Munich
Other offices : New Jersey
Other offices : New York
Other offices : Orange County
Other offices : Paris
Other offices : Riyadh
Other offices : Rome
Other offices : San Diego
Other offices : San Francisco
Other offices : Seoul
Other offices : Shanghai
Other offices : Silicon Valley
Other offices : Singapore
Other offices : Tokyo
Other offices : Washington DC
in Germany : Approximately 170