Lucinda Starrett > Latham & Watkins LLP > Los Angeles, United States > Lawyer Profile

Latham & Watkins LLP
LOS ANGELES, CA 90071-1560
United States

Work Department

Lucinda (“Cindy”) Starrett, global Chair of Latham’s Project Siting & Approvals Practice, is a partner in the Los Angeles office. For many years, Ms. Starrett has co-chaired the firm’s Land Use Practice, leading interdisciplinary teams for governmental and administrative matters in California.


Environmental, Land & Resources Partner


Lawyer Rankings

United States > Real estate > Land use/zoning

(Hall of Fame)

Lucinda StarrettLatham & Watkins LLP

Latham & Watkins‘s environment, land and resources practice group is nationally renowned for advising on major land use and zoning projects across various industries, such as healthcare, real estate, transportation, offshore wind, and media. The department is headed from Washington DC by global co-chairs Janice Schneider and James Barrett. Key names in Los Angeles are the experienced Lucinda Starrett, who focuses on entitlement matters, and George Mihlsten who is renowned for his land use and environmental solutions work. Also based in Los Angeles, James Arnone works on land use entitlements matters well as on litigation defense, and Maria Hoye routinely environmental approvals in addition to advising on planning and zoning regulations. Other key names to note are San Diego’s Jennifer Roy, Orange County’s Nikki Buffa, and Los Angeles’ Duncan Joseph Moore. Further Los Angeles contacts include Joshua Marnitz and Aron Potash, who extend the team’s expertise with their expertise in environmental and energy law.