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Latham & Watkins Gaikokuho Joint Enterprise
Region Area


Yohei  Nakagawa


Yohei Nakagawa advises Japanese and international clients on a wide range of complex cross-border M&A transactions.

Mr. Nakagawa draws on extensive experience across diverse sectors, including technology, life sciences, and media, to guide clients on:

    • Outbound and inbound mergers and acquisitions
    • Strategic investments
    • International joint ventures

Fully bilingual in Japanese and English, Mr. Nakagawa engages with clients and other parties seamlessly between both languages and brings a multicultural perspective to achieve commercial outcomes in complex cross-border M&A transactions.

Prior to joining Latham, Mr. Nakagawa was a partner at a leading international law firm in Tokyo, and has also practiced in the New York and Miami offices of his previous firm.

Mr. Nakagawa is a member of the New York Bar and is a registered foreign lawyer (Gaikokuho-Jimu-Bengoshi) in Japan as a member of the Dai-Ni Tokyo Bar Association.


Content supplied by Latham & Watkins Gaikokuho Joint Enterprise