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Michael Seringhaus

Michael Seringhaus

Latham & Watkins LLP, United States


Dr. Michael Seringhaus litigates patent disputes in federal court and before the PTAB for life sciences and pharmaceutical companies, with a particular focus on biologics and biosimilars.

Michael leverages his PhD in Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry to represent clients in various fields including:

    • Biologics, particularly antibody pharmaceuticals
    • Biosimilars
    • Small molecule pharmaceuticals
    • Next-generation DNA sequencing

Michael has experience in all phases of complex patent disputes, both in federal courts and before the Patent Trial and Appeals Board (PTAB). He also provides due diligence analysis and counsels companies on portfolio strategy and litigation risk.

Before entering private practice, Michael served as a judicial intern for Judge Timothy Dyk of the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and clerked for Justice Craig Stowers of the Alaska Supreme Court.

Prior to attending Yale Law School, Michael's graduate research focused on computational models to predict essential genes; he also participated in the ENCODE pilot project to identify and analyze functional elements in the human genome.

Content supplied by Latham & Watkins LLP