Region Area


Juan Manuel González Garavito

Juan Manuel González Garavito

Work Department

Urban Planning and Real Estate


Founding Partner and Director of the Urban Planning and Real Estate Law practice.


For more than 25 years, Juan Manuel has structured and led land management issues for some of the most important real estate projects in Colombia, such as Ciudad Verde, La Felicidad, Ciudad Sanitaria Sanitas, El Tomillar, Rosa Blanca, Unicentro nationwide in legal/urban planning structuring. He is an expert in the creation of urban development instruments for the legal and financial viability of these projects, such as Partial Plans, Macro Projects, Implementation Plans, Regularization and Management Plans, Urban Renewal Plans among others, with which new instruments have been created for the distribution of burdens and benefits. He has provided advice on urban planning issues for the most important construction firms and real estate developers in the country, as well as the Colombian Chamber of Construction (CAMACOL) and other entities in the sector. Throughout his career, he has led the performance of the firm in one of the most important cases of disputes in the country, defending private property rights in articulation with collective rights.


Spanish and English


*Cámara Colombiana de la Construcción, CAMACOL

* Cámara Colombo Americana, AMCHAM

*Cámara Colombo Chilena

*Cámara de Servicios Legales de la ANDI


Lawyer from Universidad Militar Nueva Granada and specialist in Administrative Law from Universidad del Rosario.

Content supplied by Pinilla González & Prieto Abogados