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Sandra DiVarco

Sandra DiVarco

Work Department



Partner Sandra (Sandy) M. DiVarco focuses her practice on the representation of hospitals and health systems. She has counseled health care facility and system clients regarding all aspects of health law transactions and health system restructurings.

In addition to maintaining an active transactional practice, Sandy has a deep knowledge of regulatory, licensing and accreditation issues of particular concern to health care providers in today’s heightened enforcement climate. Sandy regularly advises clients on the legal aspects of clinical regulatory issues and policy/procedure and operational matters. A significant component of her practice involves assisting health care provider clients across the United States with regulatory, licensure and accreditation issues, including state-level and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) survey responses, formulation of successful plans of correction, Joint Commission complaint responses and Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)/regulatory investigations. Drawing on her experience as a registered nurse, and holding a current license in the state of Illinois, Sandy brings a pragmatic perspective and first-hand knowledge of health care operations to these complex and mission-critical matters.

For further details of Sandra's biography, please view McDermott website:


Prior to practicing law, Sandy worked in an intensive care unit as a registered nurse and as a risk manager at a large academic medical center in Chicago. While in law school, she was a member of the Loyola Law Journal and served as a student articles editor.


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