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Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Client Satisfaction


Michael E. Leiter

Michael E. Leiter

Work Department

National Security; CFIUS; Cybersecurity and Data Privacy; Congressional Investigations; Artificial Intelligence




Leads the firm’s National Security practice, which includes CFIUS, FDI, international trade, sanctions, DCSA and government contracts, and cybersecurity. Represents clients in a broad range of transactions, investigations and incidents involving U.S. national security. Also co-leads the firm’s aerospace, defense, and government services practice, encompassing M&A, government relations and investigations. Significant experience navigating national security reviews before CFIUS and negotiating complex mitigation agreements across the full range of business sectors, having represented corporations, private equity, venture capital and sovereign wealth funds. Assisted clients in matters involving the DCSA, export controls, aerospace and defense, government services-related M&A, and government contracting. Extensive experience with all aspects of cybersecurity based on his previous private sector experience and through serving in senior national security positions in the federal government, where he oversaw numerous legal and operational aspects of intelligence and cybersecurity. Routinely works with clients on issues related to emerging technology, regulations, and government oversight.


J.D., Harvard Law School, 2000 (magna cum laude; President (Editor-in-Chief) Harvard Law Review) A.B., Columbia University, 1991
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