Mr Guillermo Sanabria > BLP > San Jose, Costa Rica > Lawyer Profile

Roble Corporate Center
8th floor
Escazú, San José
Costa Rica
Guillermo  Sanabria photo




Guillermo is an Associate of BLP in the San José office in Costa Rica. He specializes in the practice area of Notary and Registry Law.

He has extensive experience advising both internal and external clients in the preparation of contracts and other acts that involve notarial and registry matters, such as real estate, banking, financial and corporate procedures. It is also in charge of verifying compliance with the notarial regulations in the projects that the firm advises.

Guillermo has also previous experience in civil and commercial litigation as an in-house lawyer for a state insurance company and as a legal assistant in the area of civil litigation.

He joined the BLP team as an associate in 2018, prior to joining the firm he was part of the legal team of a state insurance company for around four years, in the area of civil and commercial litigation.


Spanish, English


  • Costa Rican Bar Association


  • Specialization in Commercial Law, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica, 2016
  • Law degree, Universidad Latina de Costa Rica, Costa Rica, 2013
  • Specialization in Notary and Registry Law, Universidad Escuela Libre de Derecho, Costa Rica, 2015