
Frances Butler

Work Department

Frances is an Associate in our Human Resources group, having trained with Eversheds. She specialises in employment law and has experience in both contentious and non-contentious matters.

Frances advises on the full range of employment issues, including terminations, restructurings, business sales and day to day employee management (e.g. disciplinary, performance and sickness absence processes). She regularly drafts settlement agreements, HR policies, redundancy documentation and employment contracts. Frances also has extensive experience of delivering training to clients on all areas of employment law: recent training topics include Shared Parental Leave, disability discrimination and TUPE.

Frances is an experienced litigator, having handled Employment Tribunal claims for unfair dismissal, wrongful dismissal, unlawful deductions from wages, detriment on grounds of health and safety and all types of discrimination. Her particular interest and expertise is in disability discrimination, with recent cases including:

a complex claim involving 48 separate allegations of disability discrimination, including alleged failures to make reasonable adjustments to bespoke IT programmes over several years for an individual with severe vision problems; a long-running claim for failure to make reasonable adjustments for an aviation sector worker with back problems; and various claims brought transport sector workers banned from safety critical work on account of conditions including bipolar affective disorder, diabetes and deafness.

Frances is fluent in French and Spanish and is a member of the firm’s International Employment Counsel team. She works closely with lawyers across the firm’s international network and has completed international secondments to the employment teams in Paris (in 2009) and Madrid (in 2014). Frances is experienced in managing multi-jurisdictional projects on behalf of clients. Such projects often involve restructuring, redundancies or the implementation of international HR policies. In addition, she actively contributes to international employment law know-how: putting together the firm’s Global Discrimination Guide, together with UK and international colleagues; hosting webinars on French and Spanish employment law; and managing the update of the firm’s global employment app.

