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Morag is a partner in our real estate practice group. She specialises in planning and infrastructure consenting.

She advises on all aspects of the planning process and currently advises national residential and commercial developers on a wide range of developments. She is very experienced in

a) major planning inquiry work,

b) the negotiation and drafting of complex s.106 agreements; and

c) the promotion of applications for nationally significant infrastructure projects

Her recent experience includes:

1. Advising clients in relation to applications for a Development Consent Orders for rail freight terminal along with extensive new warehousing.

2. Advising on all legal planning aspects of the development of a new Potash Mine in the North East. This comprises planning applications for a deep mine, a 37km long tunnel connecting the mine to a material handling facility at Teesside along with a Harbour Facility at the Tees Estuary which is the subject of an application for Development Consent Order.

3. Acting in respect of major urban extensions in Bedfordshire involving housing, commercial and leisure development

Morag is identified as a leader in her field in Chambers and Legal Experts and is Legal Associate of the Royal Town Planning Institute. She is also a member of the Law Society’s Planning Law Accreditation Scheme and also a member of the National Infrastructure Planning Association.



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