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Eversheds Sutherland

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Helen is a Senior Associate within the Financial Services, Disputes and Investigations team in the Cardiff Office. Helen is a Solicitor-Advocate with rights of audience in all courts in England and Wales for civil matters. Helen qualified as a solicitor in England and Wales in 2005 and qualified as a solicitor in Scotland in 2013.

Helen advises financial services clients in relation to complex disputes relating to financial transactions. Helen’s primary field of expertise is disputes relating to contracts for secured lending including allegations of fraud and undue influence; third party interests; Land Registry indemnity claims; compliance; and contractual disputes. In addition to this work, Helen has experience in regulatory investigations; professional negligence; asset finance recoveries and unsecured recoveries.

Helen has an excellent reputation for banking and financial services litigation and manages the secured recoveries team within Eversheds that deals with complex financial disputes. She has a strong understanding of client issues in the financial sector and is the day to day client relationship manager for some of the high-profile FSDI clients.She has a strong understanding of client issues in the financial sector and is the client relationship manager for some of the high-profile financial clients of the firm. Helen is independently recognised as an expert in the field of Banking Litigation by the Legal 500, a guide to the legal profession, which describes her as ‘a fighter for her clients’ interests’.


Senior Associate

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