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Trish is a Senior Associate in our Litigation and Dispute Management Group. She specialises in General Commercial Litigation, Education sector and Public Sector work.

Many of Trish's cases involve judicial review claims brought against or by bodies exercising a public function. Examples of Trish's cases include successfully defending an HE institution against multiple judicial review challenges in relation to its decision to withdraw over 50 international students from a particular course of study, resulting in costs orders being granted in the client's favour. She also regularly advises maintained schools and academies on lawful consultation arrangements and admission arrangements in order to avoid further challenge before the Office of the School Adjudicator or judicial review.

She successfully defended Coventry City Council against a judicial review challenge to its care home closure policy. In addition, Trish has advised an 11-member group of solar energy developers and 8 businesses offering short term personal loans on the strategy involved with pursuing judicial review proceedings against Government Departments. She successfully settled each matter with no order for costs.

More recently, Trish has advised education sector bodies about the ways in which judicial review strategy can challenge funding regulators and has advised on investigations undertaken by the EFA and SFA against schools or colleges. She is currently defending an HE institution over multi party litigation and multiple challenges from students in a range of proceedings. Trish also acts as a legal advisor in fitness to practise hearings.

Trish delivers training to clients on judicial review procedures, case law and the principles of natural justice and public sector equality duties. She has also appeared as an expert contributor on special educational needs and disabilities on a Local Government CPD training video for Legal Network Television (University of Law).


Senior Associate

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