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George Gerachis

George Gerachis

Vinson & Elkins LLP, United States

Work Department





George is the head of the Tax department, where he represents individuals, partnerships and multinational corporations in tax planning and tax controversy matters.

During his more than three decades with V&E, George has tried cases in the United States Tax Court and Federal District Courts and handled many appeals. While he has been involved in many high-profile court cases, often establishing key precedents along the way, George is equally proud of the more numerous matters that never made headlines — ones where solutions were reached after sometimes tough, but always civil, debate with the government. By developing strategy early, preparing cases meticulously, and negotiating firmly, he and his team have frequently resolved their clients’ IRS audits and appeals on a cost-effective basis, avoiding court proceedings altogether.

Having sustained clients’ tax positions on a wide variety of contested matters, George brings a unique perspective to the structuring and documentation of complex transactions. He believes it is important also to take a multi-disciplinary approach to accommodate sometimes competing objectives, and so he regularly works closely with clients’ tax executives and in-house counsel, as well as financial and operating personnel, external auditors and various consultants. George particularly relishes the opportunity to address emerging issues at the intersection of tax law and other legal disciplines, such as intellectual property law. Like others in V&E’s tax practice, George takes a practical, commercial approach.


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