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Larry Pechacek

Larry Pechacek

Vinson & Elkins LLP, United States

Work Department

Environmental & Natural Resources




Over the past 25 years, Larry has counseled clients on a broad range of environmental matters in the energy, regulatory, and business transactional areas. His clients have included energy companies in the oil and natural gas upstream, midstream, and refining sectors, wind and electrical power generation companies, institutional lenders, and private investors, developers, and governmental special districts.

Larry has negotiated the contractual allocation of environmental liabilities in numerous large transactions worth as much as several billion dollars. He has performed environmental due diligence reviews and developed environmental disclosures for public filings in connection with initial public offerings, and secondary and private offerings. Larry has counseled clients on environmental liabilities arising out of offshore energy leasing or support activities, including the federal bonding and decommissioning programs. He has assisted clients on such diverse topics as voluntary cleanup and remedial program strategies, storm water and wastewater permitting and discharge considerations, pipeline safety matters, radionuclides in drinking water, spill prevention planning, underground storage tank liability, and issuance of Consumer Confident Reports.

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