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Eric Groten

Eric Groten

Vinson & Elkins LLP, United States

Work Department

Environmental & Natural Resources




Eric Groten is an accomplished Clean Air Act practitioner with nearly 35 years of experience navigating state and federal air quality laws. His work covers the full array of legal work generated by air quality laws, including defending enforcement actions, applying for the permits they require, transacting emissions rights, counseling clients on compliance and lobbying to change rules and the laws themselves. He has represented upstream, midstream and petrochemical facilities, power generators, extractive industries, and a variety of manufacturers’ union clients in enforcement actions brought by EPA, by state agencies and by citizen groups. Eric relishes the opportunity to help a client that’s willing to actively defend itself when it believes it has operated within the law. And to find a way through permitting disputes that stand in the way of capital projects that modernize our industrial base.

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