Region Area


Paula Azevedo De Castro

Paula Azevedo De Castro

Work Department

Mining and Crisis Management




​She represents both national and international clients in mergers and acquisitions transactions and also advises them in mining regulatory matters involving acquisition and sale of mining companies and mining rights, as well as in administrative regulatory proceedings involving mining and energy companies, including projects and undertakings related to mineral research, mines, dams, hydroelectric plants, pipelines, transmission lines and industrial units. She is recognized for her first-rate expertise in the regulation of the safety of mining tailings dams.


English and Portuguese


Member of the legal committee of IBRAM, advising several companies in the sector President of the Mining Law Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association/Minas Gerais Chapter (“OAB/MG”)


International Executive MBA by Ohio University; Business and Economic Law MBA by FGV; Post-graduate degree in Legal Regime of Mineral Resources - Milton Campos Law School; Attending specific courses in the Master's program by Pontíficia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais.


Content supplied by Cescon Barrieu