Tax • Brazil

Advocacia Fernanda Hernandez

Luciana Marques dos Reis Frattini
Advocacia Fernanda Hernandez, Brazil
Lawyer and Partner at Advocacia Fernanda Hernandez.
Bachelor Degree in Law by Rio de Janeiro Law School at Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), Rio de Janeiro, 2015. Lato Sensu Post Graduate in “Tax Law and Public Finances” at Institute of Public Law (IDP), Brasília, May 2019. Recognized by leading legal publications, such as: Chambers Brazil, The Legal 500, Leaders League and Top Lawyers.
Lawyer with focus and practice in Public Law, Tax Law and Dispute Resolution, in Supreme Court (STF), Superior Court of Justice (STJ) and at the Federal Regional Court of the First Region (TRF-1).
Content supplied by Advocacia Fernanda Hernandez