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Morgan & Morgan´s NGO (Fundamorgan) celebrates its twentieth-anniversary.

The Foundation was established to honor the memory of Eduardo Morgan Alvarez (1902-1988), founder of Morgan & Morgan, a self-taught lawyer by vocation who dedicated his life to the successful exercise of the law, to procure an equal access to justice and to serve his country.

Panama, June 1, 2021. Fundamorgan is a non-profit organization, legally constituted in the year 2000, which channels the social-community actions of Morgan & Morgan, MMG Bank, and other related companies, through two lines of action: Education and Access to Justice; with the aim of contributing to the buildup of a fairer society with a better quality of life for everyone.

Through the work of our “Access to Justice” axis, from the Community Legal Assistance Program, Fundamorgan provides free legal advice in criminal and family proceedings to women victims of domestic violence who generate less than $800 per month, thus contributing to SDG#5 (Gender Equality). Also, the foundation devotes great efforts to prevention strategies, building capabilities, and advocacy campaigns to promote women's empowerment programs, access to justice and gender equity as tools for social change.

On the other hand, in the axis of “Education”, since 2014 Fundamorgan focuses its efforts on a citizenship program called "Responsible Citizenship and Human Rights" which promotes human rights in the youth population of Panama as a way to build responsible and participatory citizenship.  We include workshops such as: personal dignity, respect for others and the community, a culture of democracy, and others which allows the transformation and improvement of institutions, governments, and the quality of life of its citizens.

Some of Fundamorgan´s achievements in the last 20 years:

  • More than 3,500 legal proceedings in behalf of people who would otherwise not have been able to afford this service.
  • Impacted more than 11,000 people through awareness-raising activities and discussions about how to recognize their rights as a woman and their families, and warnings about domestic violence, its beginnings and how to stop it.
  • Through the Pro-Bono Program, we provide annually more than a thousand hours of free legal advice to various nonprofit organizations and in public interest projects.
  • More than 12,000 young people benefited from the “Responsible Citizenship and Human Rights Program”.
  • Awarded more than 30 Eduardo Morgan Alvarez Law Scholarships.
  • Some of Fundamorgan´s distinctions in recent years:

  • UNESCO selected the "Responsible Citizenship and Human Rights Program” as a good practice to promote a culture of coexistence for development.
  • The Global Compact recognized the Community Legal Assistance Program as a Good Business Practice by the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically SDG 5: Gender Equality.
  • Our programs have been recognized by The American Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Panama (PANAMCHAM) with their Sustainability Award for their unique characteristics.
  • For more information on this celebration, please visit

    Content supplied by Morgan & Morgan