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Carlos Lucas López Tejada (R.I.P.)

Carlos Lucas López Tejada (R.I.P.)


Partner. Mr. López Tejada focused his practice on Administrative, Procedural, and Banking Law. He was an expert on labor and immigration.


Carlos Lucas López was Chief Justice of Panama's Supreme Court (1990), Member of the Central American Court of Justice, President of the Fifth Meeting of the Supreme Courts of Justice from Central America and Panama (1994), Panama's representative to the Banking Law Experts Committee for the Latin American Banking Federation (FELABAN), President of the Justice Commission of the Panamanian Bar Association (1967), and Secretary of the First Superior Court of Justice (1958).


English and Spanish


Panamanian Bar Association; Procedural Law Institute; Institute of Banking Law.


Cambridge and London School of Economics (1962); Central University of Madrid, Spain (Doctor of Laws, 1962); Universidad de Panama (Bachelor of Law and Political Science, 1959).

Content supplied by Galindo, Arias & López