Region Area


Eduardo Achurra

Eduardo Achurra


Senior Associate

Areas of Experience

Aviation / Regulatory & Contracts Commercial Real Estate Energy Mining Immigration Telecommunications Foreign investments Hotel and Casinos

Representative Experience

Regulatory structuring of an international airline Regulatory structuring and public tender of solar power companies Corporate and real estate structuring of coffee farms Corporate and operational structuring of several foreign companies (retail, wholesale and service) Registration and licensing of major gaming enterprises Corporate and financial structuring related to hotel industry Free trade zone and call center business registration and development Strategic partners in Panama for several international immigration firms

Awards & Recognition

Lawyers - Corporate and Regulatory by Citywealth Leaderslist 2019 Aviation & Maritime Law Firm of the Year in Panama by Corporate INTL Global Award 2019 Financial and Corporate 2019 by IFLR1000 Law Firm of the Year - Corporate and Litigation – Panama 2018 by Global 100 Best Foreign Investments Law Firm - Panama 2018 by M&A Awards of Acquisition International Collaborator of The World Bank – Doing Business publication


Panama Bar Association American Chamber of Commerce Panama


Universidad Santa María la Antigua (Licenciate in Law and Political Sciences, 2003). Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid. Instituto Marítimo Español, Maritime Law and Shipping, (LL.M 2004). Seminars at The International Maritime Organization (IMO). Lloyds Register, Clarkson Brokers, Clyde & Co, INTERCARGO-INTERTANKO, London, 2004.
