
Eduardo Raúl Mujica

Eduardo Raúl Mujica


Partner at Abeledo Gottheil Abogados.

His practice areas include Administrative & Regulatory Law, Customs Law, Foreign Trade & Exchange Law, and Taxation.


Education: University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Lawyer. Graduated in Tax Law  specialization in 1992 (UBA). He attended different seminars and post-graduate courses on Tax Law. He attended post-graduate course in Customs Law (UBA).

-Professor of Tax Theory and Technique, of the Business Administration Career of   Universidad del Salvador (USAL). Professor in the Course of Taxes II, of the Business Administration Career of University of Palermo (UP).

-Speaker on Tax Aspects of Business Mergers and Acquisitions (Payment of taxes in stock purchases, transfers of going concerns and corporate reorganizations) at InstitutoArgentino de Mercado de Capitales.

-Speaker on current tax matters in the Annual Conference of Taxes of IDEA 2010.

-Teacher in courses on Foreign Trade and Customs Law at Instituto para el DesarrolloEmpresarial de la Argentina (IDEA).

-Speaker in lectures on local tax system and tax problems of Municipalities (International Judicial Academy). Speaker in Training Sessions for Judges having jurisdiction in Federal Administrative Litigation Matters, and provincial administrative litigation courts “TRAINING PROGRAM FOR ARGENTINE JUDGES” organized by theInternational Judicial Academy&The American Chamber of Commerce in Argentina (AmCham) 2010. Speaker in lectures on local tax system and tax problems of Municipalities. Speaker on current tax matters in the Annual Conference of Taxes of IDEA 2010.

-Director of the Professional Seminar on Last Updatings in Provincial & Municipal Taxes and the Impact thereof in Companies and Banks(The Institute Global).

-Lecturer on Customs Valuation in “International Transactions 2010. Customs Law, International Transactions and Changes in Foreign Trade” (Comex-Forum), 2010). Academic Director of the First Professional Seminar on Current Problems in Foreign Trade Practice & Customs Aspects (The Institute Global Americas, 2012). Lecturer in seminaron Liability of Senior Directors, Statutory Auditors and First Line Managers. Joint and Several Liability for Tax purposes (The Institute Global, 2013).

-Academic Director of the Second Seminar on Foreign Trade Practice, Customs and Exchange Rate Aspects (The Institute Global Americas, 2013).

-Coordinator of Seminar on International Taxation (Ambito Summits 2013). Lecturer on Customs Valuation for Customs Purposes and Transfer Pricing rules.

-Lecturer in seminaron “Essential Municipal Taxation Issues” (Argentine Association of Tax Studies) (Asociación Argentina de EstudiosFiscales, 2014). President of Panel II “Municipal Taxes, conflicting novel and recurring issues” in the IV Seminar on Provincial and Municipal Taxation (Argentine Association of Tax Studies) (Asociación Argentina de EstudiosFiscales, 2017).

-Member of the Academic Committee in the V Conference of Provincial and Municipal Taxation (Argentine Association of Tax Studies) (Asociación Argentina de Estudios Fiscales, 2018).

-Lecturer in the 15th Annual Forum on Tax Authorities between the Nation, the Provinces and Municipalities (Forum 2018).

-Speaker and advisor on tax and customs matters in different Trade Associations: Unión Industrial Argentina UIA, Cámara Argentina de Anunciantes CAA,Instituto para el Desarrollo Empresarial de la Argentina (IDEA), Asociación de Fábricas de Automotores ADEFA; American Chamber of Commerce in Argentina (AMCHAM), Coordinadora de las Industrias de Productos Alimenticios COPAL, Federación de Cámaras Industriales de Artefactos para el Hogar de la República Argentina FEDEHOGAR, Cámara Argentina de la Industria de Bebidas Sin Alcohol CADIBSA, Asociación de Fábricas Argentinas de Componentes AFAC, Point of PurchaseAdvertising International (POPAI).

And he is author of different articles on his specialty.


Spanish and English.


He is an Active Member of the Argentine Association of Tax Studies (Asociación Argentina de Estudios Fiscales (AAEF).

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