Region Area


Juan Antonio Stupenengo

Beccar Varela, Argentina

Work Department

Administrative law Constitutional law Regulatory law Public procurement Public utilities


Juan Antonio Stupenengo has been partner of BV since 2017. He started his career at the firm in 2004. Previously he served as clerk at the Federal Administrative Court of Claims and at the Fiscal and Administrative Courts of Buenos Aires City.

His practice areas include constitutional, administrative and regulatory law, constitutional and administrative process and judicial review. He has also wide experience in public procurement, public contracts, public-private partnerships and regulation of public services, specially gas, electricity and communication.


He is a member of the Buenos Aires Bar Association, of the Bar of Buenos Aires City, of the Administrative Law Association of Buenos Aires City, the Professors Association of the University of Buenos Aires and of the International Bar Association.


Juan Antonio Stupenengo is a partner at Beccar Varela. He co-heads the Public Law Department and is a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee. 


Juan Antonio obtained his Law degree with honors from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (2001). He is a specialist in Administrative Law and Public Administration (2007).

He teaches administrative and regulatory law at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and at the Universidad Católica Argentina. He is professor in the postgraduate degree of Universidad Nacional de La Matanza and attached professor in Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. He is also professor in the School of National Lawyers and in the Specialization in State, Local and Federal Law’s Program of the City of Buenos Aires. He is also associate professor in the Specialization in Administrative Law of the Universidad de Belgrano and in the University of Business and Social Sciences.
