TozziniFreire Advogados

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Elias Marques de Medeiros Neto

Work Department




Crisis Management





Postdoctoral degrees in Civil Procedural Law from the University of Lisbon/Portugal, in 2015, from the University of Coimbra/Portugal, in 2019, and from the University of Salamanca/Spain, in 2022. PhD, in 2014, and máster´s degree, in 2009, in Civil Procedural Law from PUC-SP (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo). MBA in Business Management, in 2012, and Specialized degree in Business Law, in 2006, from FGV-SP (Fundação Getulio Vargas de São Paulo). Specialized degree in Civil Procedural Law, in 2004, and in Contract Law, in 2005, by the University Extension Center. Extension courses in the Negotiation Program, in 2013, and Mediation Program, in 2015, from Harvard Law School, Boston, USA. Extension course from American University's International Commercial Mediation and Arbitration Program - Washington College of Law, Washington, USA, in 2018. Extension course in the Business and Compliance Program from the University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA, in 2017. Graduate of the Law School of USP (Universidade de São Paulo), in 2001.