Region Area


Lucas Augusto

Work Department

Aviation law


Lucas is a partner at Bernardi & Schnapp. He holds an LL.B degree from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackencize – FMU, São Paulo/SP and specialization in Corporate Law from Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa - Insper.

For the past 14 years, he has been advising companies in corporate and contract matters involving diverse sectors, including air transportation companies, aircraft manufactures and financiers, insurance companies, companies in the automotive sector and industries in general.

Lucas has also worked in merger and acquisition transactions and advised clients in the structuring and restructuring of financing contracts, distribution, commercial agency, joint ventures, franchise and technology transferring, among other arrangements.

He focuses special attention to financing and international lease of aircrafts and aircraft engines, advising foreign investors in the structuring of their operations in the Brazilian market. Lucas also has experience in anti-trust law, advising clients in the filling of economic concentration acts before the Administrative Council of Economic Defense (CADE) and in administrative procedures involving cartel practice.




Post-Graduation: LL.M. from Direito Societário no Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa – Insper.

Graduation: Bachelor’s law degree from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.