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Érica kawahala

Work Department

Aviation law


Erica is a partner at Bernardi & Schnapp. She holds na LL.B degree from Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas – FMU, São Paulo/SP and a LLM from State Law at Universidade de Sao Paulo – USP.

Over the last 18 years Érica has advised airlines, aircraft manufacturing companies, and pharmaceutical and chemical companies, in relation to regulatory law, administrative law, contract law and business law.

Specifically in the Firm’s regulatory and administrative areas, she advised several foreign airlines based in Brazil, to obtain authorizations before the regulatory agencies, specially the National Civil Aviation Agency – ANAC.

In the litigation area, Erica has represented airlines and insurance companies in various kinds of cases, including indemnification actions for loss or damage of cargo, class actions, torts and civil liability actions resulting from incidents and accident related to air carriage. She has been actively representing airlines on class actions related to consumer related matters. Bernardi & Schnapp Team is formed by senior associates, associates and junior associates, as well as a group of trainees and administrative staff, all dedicated to aviation law, who are prepared to provide tailor-made support to each of our Clients.




Post-Graduation: LL.M. from  State Law at Universidade de Sao Paulo – USP.

Graduation: Bachelor’s law degree from  Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas – FMU, São Paulo/SP.