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Carla Schnapp

Work Department

Aviation law


Carla is one of the founding partners of Bernardi & Schnapp Advogados. She holds an LLB from Pontifícia Universidade Católica – PUC/SP and LLM in Labor Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica – PUC/SP and a specialization certificate from Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas – FMU/SP.

Over the last 22 years of her career dedicated to the aviation sector Carla has been advising airlines and insurance companies, especially regarding business law, labor Law, civil liability, tort law and consumer law. She has been mostly active in litigation.

Carla has been dedicated to the coordination of the teams of Bernardi & Schnapp firm who handle litigation involving consumer and civil liability matters, especially passenger claims related to flight delays and baggage loss or delay matters. She has coordinated our teams in handling more than 100,000 lawsuits over the past 20 years.

In addition to coordinating the teams on these matters, she also oversees the definition and implementation of strategies for handling massive volume of cases, aiming at achieving the best cost benefit for the client by means of aggressive settlement approaches and vigorous defenses on cases that are not eligible for settlement. She also has experience with torts and civil liability actions related to aviation accidents cases, including the major cases of Brazil’s history. Carla participated in the appeal process in litigation involving Air Canada that resulted in the Binding Precedent number 210 from the Brazilian Supreme Court – which upheld the Warsaw Convention and the Montreal Convention of 1999 as the applicable law, superseding the Consumer Code on certain passenger claims and cargo cases.

In the Labor area, she represents airlines in collective, class and individual actions encompassing the most varied matters. Disputes involving payment of perilous extra pay to employees who work on the ramp area at airports during aircraftrefueling proceedings, and matters related to outsourcing services at Brazilian airports.

Applying her experience on administration of Human Resources, Carla prepared a comprehensive manual about theproceedings to be adopted by the airlines that operate in Brazil, detailing all the relevant aspects related to employer´sobligations, based on the special regulations about the subject, which significantly contributed to the reduction of labor lawsuits against our airline clients.

Carla is a member of the Brazilian Airspace Law Society – SBDA, the São Paulo Labor Lawyers Association – AATSP, and the International Aviation Women’s Association – IAWA. She has also been listed as a preeminent aviation lawyer by Experts Guides and Who´s Who Legal.


Founding partner


Post-Graduation: LL.B. from Pontifícia Universidade Católica – PUC, São Paulo/SP.

Graduation: Bachelor’s law degree from Pontifícia Universidade Católica – PUC, São Paulo/SP.