Ignacio Gillmore > Carey > Santiago, Chile > Lawyer Profile

SANTIAGO, PO 755-0647
Ignacio Gillmore photo

Work Department

Licensing, Franchising and Distributorship / Food and Beverage, / Life Sciences / Health and Digital Health


Partner of Carey and co-head of the firm’s Life Sciences and Biotechnology and Public Law Groups.


His practice focuses on life sciences, biotechnology and public law, advising companies on intellectual property issues related to the pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics, medical devices, commercialization and advertisement of these products, scientific research, clinical studies, regulation of medical professions, privacy, data protection, public and private procurement and biddings, licenses, distribution and franchises. He also represents clients in administrative processes and in sanitary, administrative and judicial litigation derived from those operations.



Spanish and English.


  • Law, Universidad de Chile.

For more information, please visit: www.carey.cl/en/resume/ignacio-gillmore/

Lawyer Rankings

Chile > Life sciences

(Leading individuals)

Ignacio GillmoreCarey

The seven-strong life sciences team (including two pharmacists) at Carey is routinely mandated to advise companies and corporations from the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, medical devices, in vitro diagnostics and food sectors. ‘Undoubtedly the best life sciences team in Chile‘, its experience covers pharmaceutical company incorporations, sanitary registrations, public law issues, administrative procedures, and product liability and data privacy issues. The practice also houses experts in advertising, regulatory matters, and clinical and scientific investigations. On the alimentary side, the team advises on infant milk formulas, nutritional foodstuffs, animal food products, and the import, labelling and commercialisation of alcoholic beverages in Chile. The group is jointly led by Guillermo Carey, a member of the Advisory Council of the Ministry of Science and Technology; and life sciences, biotechnology, and public law specialist Ignacio Gillmore (‘the best life sciences lawyer in Chile‘). At counsel level, José Ignacio Mercado focuses on life sciences work; and within the associate ranks, ‘outstandingCristina Busquets predominantly assists with food and beverage-related matters, as well as animal-feed regulations; José Santos Ossa is a regulatory specialist; and Camila Suárez‘s practice covers pharma-related IP issues.

Chile > Public law

Carey’s wide-ranging public law practice covers administrative and constitutional law, along with Chile’s regulated markets and high-stakes litigation. The team’s representative workload encompasses administrative and constitutional litigation, constitutional rights, and public procurement and public concessions. In litigation, the team regularly appears before the Ordinary Courts, Court of Appeals and Supreme Court, along with Expert Panels, the Constitutional Court, Public Procurement Court, Transparency Council, and General Comptroller of the Republic. It is also consistently mandated on sanctioning procedures, regulatory compliance, state-owned companies’ regulations, and legislative enactments. The group is co-led by senior counsel Patricio Zapata, a renowned specialist in administrative, constitutional, and regulatory law, whose experience includes serving as a President of the Citizen Council of Observers of the Constituent Process (under President Michelle Bachele’s second term); and Ignacio Gillmore, an expert in administrative contracts, public tenders and administrative litigation. From the firm’s enviable associate pool, senior Juan Ignacio Alarcón advises on regulatory issues, sanctioning procedures, public policy, and administrative contracting and concessions; while Sergio CifuentesMartin CanessaCarolina Baeza and José Ignacio Millañir all maintain active public law practices. Since publication the team has been further strengthened with the hire of administrative law specialist Camilo Lledó (formerly at Chahuán Letelier) as a partner – effective as of Janaury 2024.