Gasparini, Nogueira de Lima e Barbosa Advogados

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Ricardo Christophe da Rocha Freire

Work Department

Labor Law, Labor Union Law and Social Security Law


Mr. Ricardo Freire is responsible for the Labor Law team.

His expertise is to advice on labor issues involving M&A operations, IPO’s, international personnel transfers, general litigation and advisory, regularization of expatriate employees, executive compensation and other types of compensation including stock options, incentive plans and profit sharing and also assists companies with cross-border transfer of employees both into and out of Brazil.

Develop effective compliance programs, conduct compliance investigations and draft ethics, employee conduct and sexual harassment policies. He is also experienced at devising “use of work tools” policies and employee training to introduce and implement policies. His litigation experience includes defending employers in the labor court and before government agencies such as the Ministry of Labor.


Member of the Brazilian Bar Association – São Paulo Chapter




Graduated in Law from Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ. Postgraduate in Labor Law and Labor Process focusing on business and collective law, with continuing education courses and specialization in Social Security Law, Union Negotiation and Labor Calculations.
