Gasparini, Nogueira de Lima e Barbosa Advogados

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Renata Mangueira de Souza

Work Department

Civil Litigation, Family and Succession


Renata has 26 years of experience in the area of ​​Administrative and Civil Litigation, Family and Succession.

Member of the Tribunal de Ética da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil since 2005, acting as Relatora da V Turma Disciplinar (2006/2007, 2008/2009, 2010/2013) and Relatora da Turma Deontológica (TED I) since 2014, having been Deputy President for the 2019-2021. Member of the Instituto dos Advogados de São Paulo – IASP since 2022 and of the Associação dos Advogados de São Paulo (AASP) since 1997.

She was an Advisory Member of the Comissão de Cidadania e Ação Social – Núcleo “OAB Vai à Escola” of the Brazilian Bar Association Section of São Paulo.


She is a member of the Brazilian Bar Association – São Paulo Chapter.




Graduated in Law from Universidade São Judas Tadeu USJT (1996). Specialized in Civil Procedure from the Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC/SP in 2000. LLM Master in Law Tax Law from INSPER SP in 2009. Specialization in Civil Liability from FGVLaw in 2003.
