McConnell Valdés LLC
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Carlos J. Fernández-Lugo
Work Department
Environmental, Energy & Land Use Practice Group
Capital Member and Chairman, Environmental, Energy & Land Use Practice Group
He provides counseling to clients on greenfield and brownfield development, land use issues, compliance with and interpretation of environmental laws and regulations, the environmental implications of business transactions, siting and permitting of energy facilities, and negotiation of energy contracts, among others.
He has been involved in several complex environmental cases and mass litigation, including multi-party CERCLA cases and the Río Piedras Explosion Litigation. He has also represented clients in cases dealing with spills, toxic torts, soil and groundwater contamination, permit challenges and regulatory violations, among others.
On the energy front, he has acted as environmental counsel for lenders and equity investors in the financing of energy facilities. His experience in the energy field includes work on coal, natural gas, wind, solar, waste to energy, biomass, anaerobic digestion and landfill gas to energy projects.
Mr. Fernández-Lugo participated in the drafting process of Acts 82 and 83 of July 19, 2010, which created the Puerto Rico renewable energy portfolio standard, and the renewable energy incentives regime, respectively. He also worked on the net metering chapter of the Energy Transformation and RELIEF Act, Act 57 of May 27, 2014.