Santiváñez Abogados > Piura, Peru > Firm Profile

Santiváñez Abogados
Ca. Los Tamarindos 274, Urb. 4 de Enero
20001 - Piura

Energy and natural resources > Electricity Tier 1

Electricity specialist boutique Santiváñez Abogados is the pre-eminent Peruvian firm for power sector issues and has a strong 50-year track record in the market. It acts for top domestic and international clients, including public sector entities, in corporate and financial transactions, regulatory matters and litigation, under the leadership of Fidel Rocha, Roberto Santiváñez and Paul Sumar. Rocha has over 20 years’ experience in regulatory issues relating to the energy, infrastructure and mining sectors; Santiváñez is a heavyweight of the industry with vast experience in M&A, power supply and transmission contracts and project development; and Sumar is recommended for PPPs, public procurement and disputes. At the associate level, Sandra Acosta specialises in issues relating to the wholesale electricity market, COES, tariff regulation and administrative matters, and Abel Venero handles corporate, regulatory and project development issues. Senior associate Jose La Torre is noted for the negotiation of BOOT contracts and concession agreements.

Practice head(s):

Fidel Rocha; Roberto Santiváñez; Paul Sumar


‘This practice is unique in the country as it concentrates the largest number of expert lawyers in the field of energy, especially electricity.’

‘Roberto Santiváñez is always accessible for any question or need for legal advice on any subject. He responds assertively immediately and delegates accordingly. His main quality is that he attends 24/7 in case his support is needed and that is highly valued. They differentiate themselves from their competitors by the knowledge of the market and the industry.’

‘A multidisciplinary team that helps solve cases and in practice, which strengthens them as a team.’

‘The lawyers provide a personalised service and are committed to the case.’

Key clients

Electricité de France – EDF Perú

Compañía Minera Raura

Compañía Eléctrica El Platanal – CELEPSA

Electro Dunas

Agencia de Promoción de la Inversión Privada – PROINVERSION

Electro Oriente

Grenergy Perú

Distriluz Group


Compañía Minera Antamina

Sociedad Electrica del Suroeste – SEAL

Volcan Compañía Minera

Compañía Minera Poderosa

Work highlights

  • Advised Electro Oriente, the state-owned company in charge of the power generation and distribution in the city of Iquitos, on the implementation of a long-term energy plan aiming to phase out the city’s carbon-based generation capacity.
  • Advised EDF Perú on the development of CT Humay, which included the design of commercial schemes that will make the project financially feasible.
  • Advised Distriluz Group (Electro Noroeste, Electro Norte, Hidrandina, Electrocentro) on the energy procurement for its regulated clients’ market.

Energy and natural resources > Hydrocarbons Tier 2

Santiváñez Abogados has a particular focus on the gas sector and has a strong track record in the energy and natural resources industry more broadly. It advises foreign and domestic players on corporate and financial transactions, as well as project development, regulatory issues and litigation. It also advises government entities on public tenders for energy and infrastructure projects. The department is jointly led by three partners: infrastructure, mining and environmental law specialist Fidel Rocha; Roberto Santivanez, who previously practised in New York and draws on 25 years of experience in transactional work; and Paul Sumar, who stands out for his experience in electrical and natural gas issues, concession projects and contractual matters. Key associate Luigi Rossini specialises in gas supply contracts, transport agreements, distribution agreements and transactions.

Practice head(s):

Fidel Rocha; Roberto Santiváñez; Paul Sumar


‘Quality and personalised attention. Digital access channels. Access to information on topics of interest and current affairs through the virtual channels of the firm.’

‘Roberto Santivañez – Personalised attention and with a lot of knowledge of our sector and our business. Luigi Rossini – Very detailed in each step that he recommends. High knowledge of our sector and our business. Personalised and direct attention.’

Key clients

Electricité de France – EDF Perú


SDF Energía




Softys Peru

Sudamericana de Fibras

Olympic Perú, Sucursal del Perú


Work highlights

  • Advised EDF Perú on the structuring of gas procurement and the negotiation of gas supply agreements (commodity, transportation and distribution capacity) and project development for a new power generator (565 MW).
  • Providing legal advice to SDF Energía on the effects of the measures implemented by the Peruvian State to combat Covid-19.
  • Provided legal and commercial advice to Olympic Perú, Sucursal del Perú on the review and negotiation of the Natural Gas Supply Contract with Cementos Pacasmayo.

Peru > Competition and antitrust Tier 3

Santiváñez Abogados provides advice almost exclusively to clients in the power generation sector, assisting clients such as Empresa Regional de Servicio Público de Electricidad de Norte and Sociedad Eléctrica del Sur Oeste. The practice is jointly headed by Roberto Santiváñez and Fidel Rocha, who are skilled in merger control procedures and regulatory work, respectively. Other work that the practice undertakes includes representing electricity clients in complaints before authorities, advising in antitrust investigations, and assisting in claims of unfair competition. Associate Percy Samaniego supports the team and is particularly experienced in merger control within the power sector.

Practice head(s):

Roberto Santiváñez; Fidel Rocha

Key clients

Empresa Regional de Servicio Público de Electricidad del Norte

Sociedad Eléctrica del Sur Oeste

Pedro Llerena

Electo Dunas

Work highlights

  • Advised Electronorte on a complaint before the antitrust agency for alleged abuse of dominant position in the form of discrimination.
  • Assisted Sociedad Eléctrica del Sur Oeste in a legal strategy for the second instance to reverse the results obtained in the first instance in a sanctioning procedure for alleged abuse of dominant position in the form of discrimination.
  • Advised SEAL on the sanctioning procedure initiated for alleged acts of unfair competition in the form of violation of regulations.

Peru > Projects and infrastructure Tier 3

The projects practice at Santiváñez Abogados has a particular specialism in the electricity and gas sectors, where it acts for a number of major companies. Roberto Santiváñez, Fidel Rocha and Paul Sumar jointly head the practice: Santiváñez brings expertise in bids for electricity infrastructure projects; Rocha regularly advises on compliance matters; and Sumar focuses on public procurement. Associates José La Torre, Abel Venero and Luigi Rossini are also key contacts in the department.

Practice head(s):

Roberto Santiváñez; Fidel Rocha; Paul Súmar

Key clients

Agencia de Promoción de la Inversión Privada

EDF Perú

Tarucani Generating Company

Empresa Transmisora Eléctrica Catacaos

Electro Oriente

Compañía Minera Raura

Grenergy Perú

Porcelanato Latino


Work highlights

  • Advised Agencia de Promoción de la Inversión Privada on several projects, including the San José – Yarabamba 500kV transmission line.
  • Designed the supply contracts for Electro Oriente, which provide provisions to ensure the progressive phase out of the thermic generation and its replacement with new renewable capacity.
  • Designed and supplied contracts for photovoltaic generation projects for client Electro Noroeste.

Peru > Public law and regulation Tier 3

Santiváñez Abogados is a well-known boutique firm that focuses on the energy sector; its public law practice advises both high-profile electricity companies and public entities, such as the state agency responsible for the promotion of public-private investment (Proinversión) and the Ministry Of Energy And Mines (MINEM) on regulatory matters pertaining to large infrastructure and energy projects. Roberto Santiváñez, Paul Sumar and Fidel Rocha jointly lead the team. Santivañez brings 25 years of experience in power supply and transmission contracts, gas supply contracts, project development, and financing; Sumar is another veteran practitioner experienced in public procurement and disputes; and Rocha is a key contact for regulatory, contractual and administrative matters.

Practice head(s):

Roberto Santiváñez; Fidel Rocha; Paul Sumar

Key clients

Agencia de Promoción de la Inversión Privada – Proinversión

Ministerio de Energía y Minas

Electro Dunas

KFW Development Bank

Corporación Financiera de Desarrollo (COFIDE)


Empresa Regional de Servicio Público de Electricidad del Oriente

Tarucani Generating Company

Electricité de France – EDF Perú


Empresa Transmisora Eléctrica Catacaos

Electro Sur Este – ELSE

Empresa de Administración de Infraestructura Eléctrica – ADINELSA

Electro Ucayali

Electro Norte – ENSA


Electro Centro

Consorcio Energético de Huancavelica – CONENHUA

Tarucani Generating Company – TARUCANI

Concesionaria Hidroléctrica Sur Medio – CONHIDRO

Electro Perú

Empresa de Generación Eléctrica del Sur – EGESUR

Work highlights

  • Advised KFW Development Bank and Corporación Financiera de Desarrollo (COFIDE) on the design of a programme to finance the installation of photovoltaic power plants for self-supply.
  • Advised Ecorer on the preparation of an administrative file complying with all the requirements to request the imposition of an easement for the benefit of the project on land owned by the association.
  • Advised Proinversión on the 500 kV Huanuco – Tocache – Celendin – Trujillo transmission line project.

Peru > Corporate and M&A Tier 4

Santiváñez Abogados is well known for its focus on the energy and natural resources industry, and it advises some of the biggest players in the sector on their corporate matters, including M&A, joint ventures, regulatory issues and reorganisations. The practice is no stranger to cross-border transactions and has a particular specialism in the electricity sector, where it acts for high-profile clients. It also advises on ancillary transactional matters, such as antitrust issues. The team is led by Roberto Santiváñez and Guillermo Auler: Santiváñez is a key name for M&A, power supply and transmission contracts, and project development work, while Auler deals with reorganisations, M&A and real estate matters. Senior associate Guido Maeda is also active in the practice, and Oscar Eyzaguirre joined the firm as counsel in June 2022; he was previously an independent practitioner.

Practice head(s):

Roberto Santiváñez; Guillermo Auler

Key clients

Blue Water Advisors

Blue Water Worldwide

Grupo Energía de Bogota

Unacem Corp

Grupo Romero Investment Ofiice, GRIO

Union Para la Infraestructura: Fondo Sura – Credicorp

Colorado Conveyor

Grupo Lamosa

Cerámica San Lorenzo

Compañía Minera Poderosa

Electro Dunas

Dunas Energía

Compañía Eléctrica El Platanal – CELEPSA

OM Pharma

Actual Inmobiliaria

Coats Cadena

San Miguel Industrias PET

Electricité de France

Intrepid Directional Drilling Specialists

Corporación Financiera de Inversiones – COFIDE

Renthalpa sac

Work highlights

  • Advised Unacem Corp & Celepsa on the acquisition of a distressed power generation company with assets over $300m.
  • Advised Grupo Romero Investment Office – GRIO on the acquisition of a power generation company with assets over $400m.
  • Advise Union Para la Infraestructura: Fondo Sura – Credicorp to acquire, through the stock exchange, a minority equity participation in a state-owned and controlled power utility with regulatory asset value over $250m.

Peru > Dispute resolution: Arbitration Tier 4

The litigation and arbitration practice at Santiváñez Abogados specialises in the energy sector, with clients active in the power distribution, gas and electricity segments. Co-head Fidel Rocha is experienced in regulatory issues in the energy and infrastructure sectors, while associate and fellow practice head Emily Horna is particularly adept at handling controversies related to concession contracts. Other key practitioners include name partner Roberto Santivañez, experienced in transactional work for the energy sector, and Paul Sumar.

Practice head(s):

Fidel Rocha; Emily Horna


‘Quality and personalised attention. Digital access channels. Access to information on topics of interest and current affairs through the virtual channels of the firm.’

‘Roberto Santivañez – Personalised attention and with a lot of knowledge of our sector and our business, which allows his attention to be at a level.’

‘Emily Horna – Very detailed in each step that they recommend to resolve controversies. Personalised and direct attention.’

Key clients

Compañía Eléctrica El Platanal

SDF Energía

Empresa Regional de Servicio Público de Electricidad del Sur Este

Empresa Regional de Servicio Público de Electricidad Electro Norte Medio

Empresa Regional de Distribución Eléctrica del Centro

Work highlights

  • Represented CELEPSA in ad hoc arbitration against the Peruvian Power Network Operator concerning the application of certain transmission fees.
  • Represented SDFE in arbitration against COES, with the purpose of obtaining the annulment of two decisions.
  • Assisted ELD in claiming the nullity of a decision taken by the Energy and Mining Investment Supervisory Agency of Peru denying the approval of the reschedule of investments for the 2017-2021 Transmission Investment Plan.

Peru > Bankruptcy and restructuring

Photo Name Position Profile
Waldir Reyes photo Mr Waldir Reyes Partner
Ricardo Santivañez photo Mr Ricardo Santivañez Partner