Cascione Pulino Boulos Advogados

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Region Area


Marcelo Padua Lima

Work Department

Financial and Capital Markets; Compliance; Commercial Contracts 


Marcelo Padua Lima focuses his activities on structuring and implementing transactions in the financial and capital markets, including syndicated loans, derivative transactions, securitizations, transactions with complex security interests, project finance, debt restructuring, investment funds, investment management, payment methods, financial products and public offerings of securities. He also provides legal advice on banking and securities regulation, and represents clients in the interface with the regulators (CVM and BACEN), self-regulatory entities (ANBIMA and BSM) and entities that operate stock exchanges and over-the-counter markets (CETIP and BM&FBOVESPA). Marcelo has extensive experience in compliance, contract law, real estate law and agribusiness financing


Brazilian Bar Association




LL.B., Law School of the University of São PauloAdvanced Degree in Economic and Business Law, Getúlio Vargas Foundation, São PauloMaster of Laws (LL.M.), University of Chicago Law School
