Region Area


Juan Pablo Lopez Moreno

Juan Pablo Lopez Moreno

Work Department

Labor Planning Area


The managing partner of the firm, responsible for the organization and labour planning. His skill in conflict management is outstanding.


•Pontificia Universidad Javeriana – Faculty Of Law. Head of the Labor Law Department (2012 – Present).

•Pontificia Universidad Javeriana – Faculty Of Law. Professor for the bachelor program in law and postgraduate degree in Labor Law. (2000 - Present).

•Pontifica Universidad Javeriana – Faculty Of Law. Head of the Labor Law and Social Security Law postgraduate degree (2014 – Present.)


•Colombian Labor Lawyers Association. Member since 2001

•Colombian Human Resources Association “ACRIP” - Bogotá.

•International Bar Association. Member since 2016.

•National Business Association Of Colombia - “ANDI” – Legal Chamber. Member since 2007.

•Seguros Alfa S.A. & Seguros De Vida Alfa S.A. Member of the Board since 2007.


Lawyer from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (JD 1993). Specialization in Labor Law and Social Security Law of the same university (1994).Specialist in the Formulation of Social Public Policy for Spanish America – Universidad de Salamanca – OISS (2017)