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Julia Santoro

Work Department

Insurance / Corporate and M&A




Julia is a partner at CAR in São Paulo and specializes in Regulatory, Corporate, Insurance and Reinsurance.

Julia advises insurers, reinsurers, brokers, MGAs and insurance distribution channels ion all aspects of insurance and reinsurance, with a focus on regulatory, corporate, M&A and transactional work including insurance distribution channels, bancassurance and reinsurance transactions. Julia assisted in the incorporation and approval of more than 10 local insurance and reinsurance insurtech companies at regulatory Sandbox, several registration of admitted and occasional reinsurers and non-life claims adjustment on behalf of reinsurers. Julia is also experienced in aircraft finance.

She is a native portuguese speaker, and is fluent in english.


Portuguese, English, Spanish

Content supplied by Costa, Albino & Rocha Sociedade de Advogados (CAR)