BRATAX – Brazuna Ruschmann e Soriano Sociedade de Advogados

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Work Department



Work in the legal department of a multinational company in the food sector.  Experience with tax consulting, indirect and direct taxation, foreign trade, and tax litigation. Experience in the analysis of tax questions related to financial and commercial contracts, the Brazilian Central Bank, and due diligence.


Brazilian Bar Association – São Paulo Branch (OAB/SP nº 187.787). Brazilian Tax Law Institute (IBDT).


Of Counsel


Law degree (2000) from the Universidade Paulista (UNIP). Specialization in Tax Law fom the Brazilian Tax Studies Institute (IBET) (2005) and also the Brazilian Tax Law Institute (IBDT) (2001). LLM in Corporate Law from the Brazilian Capital Markets Institute (IBMEC) (2008). MBA in Tax Management and Analysis from the Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas (FIPE) of the Business School of the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) (2010). Administrative Judge at the São Paulo Municipal Administrative Tax Court (CMT).
