Chalfin, Goldberg & Vainboim Advogados

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Work Department

Insurance and reinsurance / Aviation / Consumer / Real estate


Instructor in the postgraduate law course of Estácio de Sá University (Rio de Janeiro), in the discipline “Insurance Contracts”, May 2005.

Instructor at the Brazilian Academy for Insurance Teaching and Research, in the discipline “Insurance Contracts”, August 2005.

Instructor in the postgraduate course in business management law of Cândido Mendes University, 2006.

Instructor in the insurance law course of the in-company university of Bradesco Seguros & Previdência in the discipline “Insurance Contracts (General Part – Damage Insurance – Insurance of Persons – Reinsurance and Health Insurance)” in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, July to September 2009.

Instructor in the CEPAD course in the discipline “Insurance and Reinsurance Contracts”, 2009.

Substitute professor at Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) Law School, Department of Commercial and Labor Law, in the discipline “Social Law and Insurance Legislation”, second semester of 2009.

Coordinator of the Insurance and Reinsurance Law Course of Getulio Vargas Foundation Law School in Rio de Janeiro (current).

Visiting professor at the National Insurance School (Funenseg) in the Advanced Postgraduate Course in Reinsurance, São Paulo, in the discipline “Arbitration in Insurance and Reinsurance Contracts”, 2011.

Coordinator of the Insurance and Civil Liability Course of Getulio Vargas Foundation Law School in Rio de Janeiro, 2013.

Professor at the Rio de Janeiro State School of Magistrates (EMERJ) (current).

Visiting professor at the National Insurance School (Funenseg) in the Legal MBA Program in Insurance and Reinsurance, coordinated by Professor Walter Polido, in the discipline “Administrative and Regulatory Law in the Insurance and Reinsurance Market”, August 2016, São Paulo.


AIDA Reinsurance and Insurance Arbitration Society – ARIAS 2009 Fall Conference and Annual Meeting, New York City, November 12-13, 2009. Thirteenth AIDA World Congress, Paris, May 17-20, 2010.

AIDA Reinsurance and Insurance Arbitration Society - ARIAS 2010 Fall Conference and Annual Meeting, New York City, November 4-5, 2010.

CILA Congress, Lisbon, May 8-10, 2013, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

AIDA Reinsurance and Insurance Arbitration Society - ARIAS 2013 Fall Conference and Annual Meeting, New York City, October 31-November 1, 2013.

Fourteenth AIDA World Congress, Rome, September 28-October 2, 2014.


Member of the Editorial Committee of the Civil Contemporary Law Journal.

Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Paraná and Goiás State Chapters.

Member of the Brazilian Chapter of the International Insurance Law Association (AIDA).

Member of the Brazilian Insurance Law Institute (IBDS).

Member of the British Insurance Law Association (BILA).

Member of the Brazilian Civil Law Institute (IBDCivil).


Founding partner.


Bachelor of Law Degree from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Law School.

Postgraduate specialization in business law from IBMEC-RJ.

Master of Law Degree in regulation and competition law from Cândido Mendes University Law School, RJ.

Doctorate in civil Law at Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) Law School.
