Chalfin, Goldberg & Vainboim Advogados

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Region Area


Rodrigo Gomes de Sousa

Work Department

Insurance and reinsurance / Consumer


Rodrigo has postgraduate specialization in several areas and standout practice in the civil litigation and consultation areas, with emphasis on questions involving consumer law, court-supervised reorganization and business civil law, serving clients especially in the aeronautic, telecommunications, downstream petroleum, insurance and reinsurance sectors. He has been a member of the Special Causes and Consulting area since 2015, representing insurers and reinsurers in complex and high-value cases.


Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro State Chapter.




Bachelor of Law Degree from Cândido Mendes University Law School, Rio de Janeiro.

Postgraduate specialization in consumer law from Pontifcal Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ).

Postgraduate specialization in procedural law and legal management from IBMEC, Rio de Janeiro.

Extension course in environmental law in the oil and gas sector from Getulio Vargas Foundation.

Extension course on aviation and space law from the Brazilian Association of Aeronautic and Scapce Law, Rio de Janeiro.

Extension course on sports law and sports club management from Cândido Mendes University, Rio de Janeiro.

Extension course on insurance, reinsurance and regulatory law from Getulio Vargas Foundation, Rio de Janeiro.
