Region Area


Luís Nagalli

Work Department

Competition and Antitrust


Luis Nagalli has over 15 years of experience in antitrust law and has been recognized by international publications and research as a leading expert in the country.

He has extensive experience representing domestic and foreign clients in notifications and judicial challenges of mergers and acquisitions involving the most diverse sectors of the economy, including technology, auto parts, oil and gas, education, investment funds, payment methods, among others.

He has also served in investigations of unilateral conduct and cartel involving the auto parts, technology and consumer products sectors, and has substantial experience in conducting negotiations for Leniency Agreements and settlelments of cartel cases before CADE and the Federal Comptroller General.

He participated in renowned national boards, and was part of the antitrust team at the Axinn office in New York, in the year the firm received the GCR Firm of the Year – Americas award. In the United States, he has gained significant experience coordinating notifications across multiple jurisdictions, and serving with the US Federal Trade Commission and the US Department of Justice.


Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section


Brazilian Institute of Competition, Consumption and International Trade Studies (IBRAC)


Study of Competition and Economic Regulation Commission (CECORE-OAB/SP)




Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Law School Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Competition, Inovation and Information Law, New York University
