Mr Cristian Rojas > Alegalis > Guatemala City, Guatemala > Lawyer Profile

2da Calle 24-00 Zona 15, VH II
Edificio DOMANI, Oficina 701
Guatemala, C.A

Work Department

Dispute Resolution


Director Associate


Cristian Rojas joined Alegalis in 2013. His practice has focused mainly in the field of criminal and labor litigation.

He also has experience in constitutional, administrative, civil and mercantile litigation, and acting as judicial representative, he has defended the interests of various international sports brands in the field of intellectual property. In the field of Criminal Law, he has experience defending commercial and wealth interests of individual and legal persons, including proceedings for crimes against property and wealth in general, the national economy, intellectual property, administration of justice, tax and customs regime. Regarding the field of Labor Law, he has been able to advise national and international companies in compliance with the existing rules before the authorities of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare.

In 2013, he obtained the certification accrediting him as International Mediator by the International Mediation Center (CIM for its acronym in Spanish) ascribed to the Chamber of Guatemalan-Mexican Commerce and Industry at the San Pablo University of Guatemala, allowing him to apply his knowledge and skills as a mediator in various cases prior a judicial proceeding was initiated, saving costs and time with clients who had mutually agreed to a solution to the conflict in confidence.


English and Spanish


Unis Business School


Graduate in Legal and Social Sciences, Lawyer and Notary (Rafael Landívar University)

Postgraduate in International Mediation (San Pablo University of Guatemala)

Postgraduate Specialization in Criminal Law (University of the Istmo in collaboration with the Autonomous University of Spain)

Executive Master’s Degree in Business Management -Executive MBA- (UNIS Business School)

Lawyer Rankings

Guatemala > Dispute resolution

(Rising stars)

Cristian RojasAlegalis

The ‘excellent‘ dispute resolution practice at Alegalis is equally adept at handling civil and criminal litigation, including commercial, constitutional, debt collection, property recovery and environmental damage cases. Notably, the team leverages firm-wide strength in the real estate sector to represent major developers in the region in an array of disputes. Criminal IP litigation is another strength and the practice frequently handles anti-counterfeiting actions on behalf of household-name international brands in the sports, fashion and consumer goods industries. Carlos Gustavo Palacios leads the civil litigation department (with expertise in commercial, banking, real estate and constitutional disputes), and director Cristian Rojas heads the criminal litigation side of the practice. Managing partner Juan Antonio Mazariegos, whose litigation experience spans civil, criminal and constitutional cases, is also a leading practitioner in the team.