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Carlos Andrés González Galvis

Carlos Andrés González Galvis

Work Department

Mr. Carlos Andrés González Galvis works in the following Departments of the firm: Insurance and Dispute Resolution. 

In the Department of Insurance his work unit is compossed of the following associates and partners: Daniel Ossa Gómez (partner), Laura Castaño Echeverri (partner), Margarita Rosa Jaramillo Cossio (partner), Daniel Bedoya Maya (associate), Juliana Gómez Londoño (associate) and Carolina de la Torre Ávila (associate). 

In the Department of Dispute Resolution his work unit is compossed of the following associates and partners: Luis Miguel Gómez Gómez (partner), Laura Castaño Echeverri (partner), Margarita Rosa Jaramillo Cossio (partner), Daniel Bedoya Maya (associate) and María Luisa Trujillo Gómez (associate).


Mr. Carlos Andrés González Galvis has worked in the firm since 2009 as an associate. However, on October, 2020, he became a firm´s partner. 

His main areas of practice are Insurance and Dispute Resolution.


Mr. Carlos Andrés González Galvis has a Graduate Degree in Liability and Insurance law. Also, he is specialist in insurance and risk analysis. 

Lecturer in Colombian Universities of the following courses: compliance policies and liability policies.

In the last few years, Mr. González Galvis has handled, successfully, multiple judicial processes regarding deep insurance discussions. For example, he participated in the cassation suit filed before the Supreme Court of Justice that established a precedent about the interpretation of the Insurance Policies, the abusiveness of their clauses and the position that any technical explanation and not only causal link is enough to claim an Exclusion clause by insurers

Also, Mr. Carlos Andrés González Galvis is the lawyer in charge of judicial processes with long and difficult probationary periods, in which complex insurance policies are at stake. For example, processes in which compliance policies for large infrastructure projects (or technically complicated contracts) are analyzed, or in which non-contractual civil liability policies are studied for multiple and complex harmful events. 

From Mr. González Galvis it is noteworthy that he not only handles judicial processes with solvency and commitment, but also provides extrajudicial advice to insurers, analyzes claims and acts as a loss adjuster. His experience and knowledge acquired in nearly 14 years of professional practice, plus his experience as a Lecturer in Colombian universities, allow him to qualify as a leader in the insurance law´s field.


English and Spanish


Mr. Carlos Andrés González Galvis has a Graduate Degree in Liability and Insurance law. Also, he is specialist in insurance and risk analysis.


Mr. Carlos Andrés González's main leisure activities are exercising, reading, listening to music, watching television and socializing with family and friends.