Mr Jose Domingo Ilharreborde > Echeverría Ilharreborde Scagliotti > Santiago, Chile > Lawyer Profile

Echeverría Ilharreborde Scagliotti
Jose Domingo Ilharreborde photo

Work Department

Environmental law, litigation and arbitration, natural resources, aquiculture, and project development. He has recognized experience in civil, commercial, and administrative litigation, which allows him to provide a global strategic assessment to his clients.




His practice focuses on environmental law, litigation and arbitration, natural resources, aquiculture, and project development. He has recognized experience in civil, commercial, and administrative litigation, which allows him to provide a global strategic assessment to his clients.

Since 2013, he is a Professor of Civil Procedure at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He is also a professor of Renewable Projects Development at the LL.M. of the same university.

Prior to founding Echeverría-Ilharreborde-Scagliotti in 2015, he worked for 9 years in the litigation and the Environmental department of Claro y Cia., and during 2011-2012, he worked as foreign associate at Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, New York.


Spanish and English


Member of the Chilean Bar Association (Colegio de Abogados de Chile, A.G.).


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, J.D., 2006. Graduated summa cum laude.
Harvard University, Boston, United States. Master of Laws, 2011.

Lawyer Rankings

Chile > Environment

(Leading individuals)

Jose Domingo Ilharreborde – Echeverría Ilharreborde Scagliotti

Particularly active in the energy, aquaculture, mining and industrial sectors, Echeverría Ilharreborde Scagliotti’s ‘environmental law practice stands out from other teams’. On the contentious front, the practice’s recent mandates include sanctioning proceedings before the Environmental Superintendence, and an administrative claim involving an environmental license. The seven-strong department is co-led by two of the firm’s name-partners: the ‘very prepared, fast, intelligent and competentJose Domingo Ilharreborde focuses on the environmental assessment of energy and industrial projects, his caseload including high-stakes environmental and administrative litigation; and environmental and regulatory law specialist José Pedro Scagliotti, who routinely acts in administrative proceedings and disputes involving major energy and industrial companies. Experienced senior associate Felipe Infante specialises in environmental law, mining, energy and infrastructure.