
Catia Gentil

Catia Gentil




Catia Gentil is a Partner at Licks Attorneys at its Rio de Janeiro Office. Attorney at law with a Metallurgical Engineering background, she has 40 years of experience in patent law. Catia started her career as a patent examiner at the BRPTO´s. Prior to joining the firm, she served as a senior patent examiner, head of art group, the head of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), as well as the head of the board of administrative appeals and nullity proceedings at the BRPTO. Catia was a member of the BRPTO group responsible for the regulations of the Brazilian Patent Statute 9,279 of 1996.

Catia often gives lectures related to Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) matters. She has regularly attended the Meeting of International Authorities under the PCT (PCT/MIA) in several Contracting States and the PCT Working Group (PCT/WG) at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as a BRPTO delegate.

Catia is regarded an expert in PCT, patent acquisition and invalidity proceedings.


• Portuguese

• English

• French


Brazilian Bar Association – Rio de Janeiro Section (OAB/RJ).


• Extension Course in Intellectual Property, Federal Rio de Janeiro University (UFRJ), 2006;

• LL.B, Estácio de Sá University, 2001;

• MSc in Industrial Property and International Agreements, Strasbourg University, 1990;

• Graduate Specialization in Industrial Property, Center for International Intellectual Property Studies, Strasbourg University, 1987;

• Specialist in Intellectual Property, WIPO and the United Nations Development Programme (PNUD), 1978;

• BSc in Metallurgical Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University (PUC/RJ), 1977.

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