
Joel Campos Camargo
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Joel Campos (Lima, 1987). Lawyer by the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He has experience in international (commercial and investment) and domestic arbitration proceedings, as well as judicial proceedings (constitutional and civil). He also focuses his practice in the elaboration of legal opinions in constitutional and civil matters.
Spanish and English
Lima Bar Association
Diploma in International Arbitration and Investments, Pacífico University (2019). First Place.
Diploma in Theory and Interpretation of Fundamental Rights, by the Center for Studies of the Constitutional Tribunal of Peru (2013). First place.
Law degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (2013). Graduated with honors.
Professional Experience
Senior Associate at Garrigues (2019 - 2021). Associate at Garrigues (2018 - 2019). Associate at Benites, Forno & Ugaz, Abogados (2016 - 2018). Junior Associate at Estudio Rodriguez Angobaldo Abogados (2014-2016).Teaching Experience
Adjunct Professor: Guardianship, in the Master of Procedural Law of the San Martín de Porres Private University (2018). Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Civil Procedural Law, and Civil Procedural Law I, II and III, at the University of Lima (2014 -2016). Speaker of the course "Evidence in consumer protection arbitration"; organized by the National School of INDECOPI (2015).Publications
Author of the article "Un fallo judicial que pone en peligro la ejecución de la garantía hipotecaria”(A judicial ruling that jeopardizes the foreclosure of the mortgage guarantee), published in (2017). Contributor to the commentary on article 744º of the Civil Procedure Code (Adjudication in payment), published in "El Código Procesal Civil Comentado por los mejores especialistas" (The Civil Procedure Code Annotated by the best specialists) (Volume V); book edited by Gaceta Jurídica. Author: Mg. Luis Alberto Liñán Arana (2016). Co-author of the commentary to Cassation No. 1640-2013-Lima: "Con licencia para valorar" (With license to value), published in Actualidad Civil No. 8; magazine edited by the publishing house Instituto Pacífico (2015). Author of the commentary to the second degree judgment issued in the amparo proceeding with file No. 8206-2012: "Lección a medias: tutela judicial efectiva y debido proceso" (Lesson in half: effective judicial protection and due process), published in Actualidad Jurídica No. 256; magazine edited by Gaceta Jurídica (2015). Contributor to the article "Aplicación de las instituciones procesales al procedimiento administrativo de protección al consumidor del INDECOPI" (Application of procedural institutions to INDECOPI's administrative procedure for consumer protection".); published in Praeceptum magazine (No. 1), edited by INDECOPI. Author: Mg. Luis Alberto Liñán Arana (2014). Contributor to the article "Aplicación práctica de la acumulación en el proceso civil" (Practical application of cumulation in civil proceedings), published in THEMIS Law Review (No. 58). Author: Mg. Mario Reggiardo (2010).Content supplied by Rodríguez Angobaldo Abogados