
Bernard O'Sullivan

Bernard O'Sullivan

CMS, London




Bernard advises on all aspects of complex commercial litigation with a particular emphasis on asset recovery, civil fraud and regulatory issues. Bernard frequently acts for both claimants and defendants in high value multi-jurisdictional disputes. Bernard is a member of the advisory board and co-chair of the Informa Asset Recovery conference in Dublin.

Chambers UK 2020 describes Bernard as a "supreme strategist" who is "unflappable, pragmatic and commercial." Chambers UK 2019 noted of Bernard that: "He is a brilliant lawyer who not only knows the law but knows how to achieve positive results efficiently. He understands the various cultural issues that are at play in international fraud cases, and manages various competing interests simultaneously with savvy."

Bernard has in depth experience of securing and defending asset tracing orders including freezing, search, disclosure and Norwich Pharmacal orders. Bernard has also acted as lead litigation adviser for clients in a wide range of jurisdictions (both common law and civil law) including securing appropriate orders and investigations in these jurisdictions.

Prior to CMS he was a partner in Dechert before setting up the niche practice Byrne and Partners.


Birmingham University, Birmingham


Crime, fraud and licensing • London

Fraud: civil

Hall of fame