
David Parrish

David Parrish

CMS, London




David Parrish is a Partner in CMS’ top-ranked IP team. He has advised clients on a broad range of IP matters for 20 years, with a particular focus on brand protection.

David advises on the early stages of a trade mark’s life cycle, including conducting clearance searches, and he has secured registration of various non-traditional trade marks, including sound marks. David’s contentious practice involves acting on all types of trade mark registry disputes and he has considerable experience of such disputes that involve allegations of bad faith. Outside of the registries, David enforces his clients’ trade marks, designs and copyright works and is an expert on matters that involve the parallel importation of his clients’ goods. He has also pioneered the use of the Company Names Tribunal, thereby securing a change of hundreds of objectionable company names for his clients.

David also regularly advises parties on IP issues in corporate transactions, including any related IP-specific agreements that are required.


INTA: Non-traditional Trade Marks Committee


2006 – Intellectual Property Diploma, University of Bristol 2000 – LL.B., University of Bristol
