Region Area


Cormac Fitzpatrick

Clyde & Co, Northern Ireland

Work Department

Catastrophic Injury and Large Loss (Northern Ireland)


Cormac is a partner and heads the catastrophic injury and large loss services on offer within BLM NI. He has particular experience of HSENI and police investigations involving fatalities or serious injury.

The first corporate manslaughter prosecution in NI was against a small construction company Drumdollagh Construction Limited after a fatal accident in 2008. Instructions to act for this company involved a PACE interview with the Managing Director and owner and representation on a corporate manslaughter charge before the Crown Court in 2011. The same year Cormac represented a large construction concern facing charges after a fatal accident at RAF Aldergrove. Three of the company directors where interviewed under caution at Antrim PSNI custody suite over a three days. Representation was provided at each interview and before the Crown Court on H&S charges.


Qualifed 1985 LLB, Solicitor

Law Society NI accredited Mediator (2001).
