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Slater Heelis (Part of Lawfront)


Rachel Fletcher

Rachel Fletcher

Work Department

Crime and Regulatory


Managing Partner & Head of Crime & Regulatory


Rachel became Managing Partner for our firm in 2024.

Rachel has been a key driver in Slater Heelis’ innovation and growth, implementing new technologies, processes, and services to meet the changing needs of clients and employees. As Managing Partner, she will manage the firm’s day-to-day operations, leading the Executive team to achieve their shared vision and executing the firm’s strategy.

Rachel has particular expertise in representing private clients in criminal and regulatory matters, including advising and assisting at the Police Station, Magistrates Court and the Crown Court. She has dealt with all types of criminal cases, including Murder, serious assaults and sexual assaults/rape, indecent image cases, fraud, theft and dishonesty offences, conspiracy to supply Class A/B/C drugs, dangerous dog cases, offences involving weapons and youth crime.

Rachel regularly represents professionals before their respective regulators such as the GMC, The Environment Agency, The General Pharmaceutical Council, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and local councils.

Rachel has experience in all motoring offences including speeding, failing to furnish, drink driving, careless, inconsiderate, dangerous driving and serious cases involving death or serious injury.


Women in Criminal Law.


Rachel graduated from York University with a BA Honours in Politics and completed the Post Graduate Diploma in Law and LPC at Manchester Metropolitan University.


Rachel is a mum of two and a nature and animal lover.


Content supplied by Slater Heelis (Part of Lawfront)