
Gianmarco Tortora

Dentons, Italy

Work Department



Gianmarco provides tax advice to both corporations - including cross-border investment structures - and private clients, with a particular focus on VAT and corporate income tax. In particular, he has gained extensive experience in tax litigation - assisting clients during tax audits and, more generally, in out-of-court settlement procedures with the Italian Revenue Agency.

He has significant expertise in the tax aspects of noncommercial entities (e.g., trusts and foundations), generational transitions, inbound workers’ tax breaks and of high-net-worth individuals.

During his career, Gianmarco has supported clients in many industries, including transport, cruises, sports, real estate, banking, finance and digital.

Also an academic, Gianmarco is a visiting lecturer in Tax Law at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Bergamo.


Admitted to the Bar, Milan, 2007


Gianmarco Tortora is a partner in our Milan office and a member of the global Tax practice.


LUISS Guido Carli, 2010, PhD, Corporate Tax Law

LUISS Guido Carli, 2003, JD
