Circuito Vial Tres S.A. as Constructor in the PPP Circuit 3: Advising the client (integrated by S.A. de Obras y Servicios Copasa and Espina Obras Hidráulicas S.A.) of the Public Private Partnership Contract signed with the Ministry of Transportation and Public Construction, for the construction and maintenance of national roads, including project financing of USD 140 million with CAF, CAF-AM and Banco Santander.
A. de Obras y Servicios Copasa and Espina Obras Hidráulicas S.A.: Advising the client in the private bidding process of sale of the shares of Circuito Vial Tres S.A., and in the negotiation of the share purchase and sale agreement., as well as de due diligence process.
Infraestructura Educativa II S.A. in the PPP Educativa II: Advising the client (integrated by Compañía Sudamericana de Empresas Eléctricas, Mecánicas y de Obras Públicas S.A. - Saceem, Stiler S.A. and Berkes Construcción y Montajes S.A) of the Public Private Partnership Contract signed with the National Public Education Administration, for the construction and maintenance of schools and sports centres, including advice to the Concessionaire in the project financing for USD 70 million with CAF, CAF-AM, IDB and IDB INVEST.
Berkes Construcción y Montajes S.A. and Stiler S.A.: Advising the client in the sale process of the shares of Infraestructura Educativa II S.A., and in the negotiation of the share purchase and sale agreement, as well as de due diligence process.
Compañía Sudamericana de Empresas Eléctricas, Mecánicas y de Obras Públicas S.A. – Saceem:Advising the client in the private bidding process of sale of the shares of Infraestructura Educativa II S.A.
Autovías Cinco S.A. as Constructor in PPP Circuit 5: Advising the client (integrated by Aldesa Construcciones S.A., Coalvi Renovables S.L. and Ramón C. Álvarez) with the public bidding procedure for the signing of a Public Private Partnership Contract with the Ministry of Transportation and Public Construction and the project financing for USD 120 million for the construction of the roads, with international banking institutions.
Circuito Seis Cuchilla Grande S.A. as Constructor in PPP Circuit 6: Advising the client (integrated by Construcciones Viales y Civiles S.A. and Rover Infraestructuras) in relation to the public tender procedure for the signing of a Public Private Partnership Contract with the Ministry of Transportation and Public Construction and the project financing for USD 108 million, for the construction of the roads, with international banking institutions.
Senior Lenders in PPP Circuit 0: Advising CAF and CAF-AM in their capacity as senior financiers of the loan granted to the Sociedad Concesionaria de la PPP del Circuito 0, for the amount of USD 80 million.
Senior Lenders in Vientos de Pastorale Wind Farm Project: Advising Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank and Caixabank as senior financiers of Vientos de Pastorale S.A. as power generator of the wind farm in the Department of Flores, in the amount of USD 100 million. This advice included assisting senior financiers in the process of sale and purchase of Vientos de Pastorale´s shares, and the consequent modification of the required financing documents.
Senior Lenders in Kiyú Wind Farm Project: Advising Allianz Global Investors GMBH and Citibank as senior financiers of Parque Eólico Kiyú S.A. as power generator of the wind farm in the Department of Flores, in the amount of USD 100 million. This advice included assisting senior financiers in the process of sale and purchase of Parque Eólico Kiyú´s shares, and the consequent modification of the required financing documents.
Jonas Software Computing UK in the acquisition of Datalogic: Advising Jonas Software Computing UK in the acquisition of Datalogic S.R.L., a technology Uruguayan company, for USD 2 million. The advice included the performance of a due diligence procedure, as well as the negotiation of the sale and purchase agreement.
Berkes Construcción y Montajes SA, Construcciones e Instalaciones Electromecánicas SA, Compañía Sudamericana de Empresas Eléctricas, Mecánicas y de Obras Públicas y Fast Industria e Comércio Ltda as private iniciative proponents in Arazatí Project: Advised the proponents and Offeror Group in in the preparation and presentation of the private initiative for the construction of a drinking water treatment plant, as well as the presentation of bids for the bidding process before the public administration (OSE).
Grinor S.A., Construcciones Viales y Civiles S.A., Serviam S.A. y José Cujo S.A. as Bidders in the CREMAF of Road 5 and 9: Advised the Offeror Group in in the presentation of bids for the CREMAF bidding process before the Corporación Vial del Uruguay for Routes 5 (Sections 1 and 2) and Route 9.
Grinor S.A., Molinsur S.A. and Serviam S.A. as private iniciative proponentes in the CREMAF of Anillo Perimetral: Advised the proponents and Offeror Group in in the preparation and presentation of the private initiative, as well as the presentation of bids for the CREMAF bidding process before the Corporación Vial del Uruguay Anillo Perimetral.
Banco Santander, S.A.: Advised Banco Santander, S.A. as lender to the Patria Funds of a credit of USD 119 million for the equity financing of a Wind Farm in Colombia.
Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank: Advised in the early stages of considering the participation in the emission process as an international issuing bank, advising on administrative matters related to the formalities to be fulfilled in order to be able to contract with the Uruguayan state, amongst others.
DEG Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH and PROPARCO - Societe De Promotion Et De Participation Pour La Coperation Economique S.A. as senior lenders to Uruguayan forestry companies: Advised DEG and PROPARCO as senior lenders of Compañía Forestal Uruguaya S.A and Forestal Río de los Pájaros S.A. This advice included assisting senior lenders in all matters related to the financing documents, specially the constituted securities.
Arcos Dorados S.A.: Providing general advice on issues related to the company's daily operations -including negotiating agreements with several suppliers and/or service providers-, especially having advised on the waste management policy.
Isbel Group: Providing general advice on issues related to the company's daily operations -including negotiating agreements with several suppliers and/or service providers.