

Client Satisfaction


Mikhail Ivanov

Dentons, Russia

Work Department

Dentons’ Russian Litigation and Arbitration practice


Mikhail Ivanov is a partner and Head of Dentons’ Russian Litigation and Arbitration practice. He specializes in the resolution of disputes between foreign investors and major Russian companies.

Over the past 20 years, Mikhail has represented the Firm’s clients in litigations before the Russian commercial courts and general courts of law, participated in international commercial arbitrations in Russia and abroad under UNCITRAL, ICC, SCC and ICAC Rules, and represented foreign clients in recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in Russia.

After graduating from the international law department of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 1984, Mikhail went on to complete post-graduate studies in 1987, earning a Candidate of Science degree in International Law.

He is fluent in English and German.


Moscow State Institute for International Relations (MGIMO), 1987, Ph.DMoscow State Institute for International Relations (MGIMO), 1984, Law Degree